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Hitler’s Lightning War – Part II

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1 Hitler’s Lightning War – Part II
What other parts of the world does the war expand to?

2 North Africa Campaign Sept 1940: Mussolini attacks Egypt, wants Suez Canal/access to oil Feb 1941: British strike back and take over 130K Italian prisoners Mar 1941: Hitler sends his best general Erwin Rommel to N. Africa Rommel pushes Gen. Bernard Montgomery & his troops into Libya Rommel earns nickname “The Desert Fox” Jan 1942: Monty’s troops counterattack & push back Rommel June 1942: Rommel pushes Monty out of Egypt “Desert Fox” vs. “Monty”

3 Mediterranean & Eastern Front
Hitler plans attack of USSR but Stalin had buffer zones in north, Germany must attack Soviets from south Jan 1941:Hitler gets Bulgaria, Hungary & Romania to join Axis powers April 1941:Greece & Yugoslavia resist, Germany blitzkriegs them June 1941: Blitzkrieg of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) August: Germans push 500 miles into the Soviet Union Sept: Germany opens a 2nd front, invading Leningrad Leningrad not falling to Nazis Oct: Hitler orders his troops to attack Moscow Nov: Soviets counterattack as the cold Russian winter sets in VS

4 Map Time! Battle of Britain Battle of Leningrad Battle of Dunkirk
N. Africa Campaign Put green “x”s in 15, 22, 23 Stripe 19 & 21 in green Mark the above battles on your map

5 Other Countries During WWII:
United States: Neutral – Congress is isolationist Pres. Roosevelt (FDR) begins cash & carry and lend-lease program, “lending” supplies to the British Spain: Neutral due to civil war btwn Francisco Franco & Spanish Gov FDR & Churchill sign Atlantic Charter – post war plans for Europe (trade/elections)

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