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Drama 3 ‘C’s Concentration [listening/using time well] Co-operation

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Presentation on theme: "Drama 3 ‘C’s Concentration [listening/using time well] Co-operation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama 3 ‘C’s Concentration [listening/using time well] Co-operation
[team work-sort problems] Confidence [sharing ideas & performing]

2 STILL IMAGE [freeze-frame]
A frozen picture [using your body] What does it take to make a good still image? FLABS F acial expression L evels A udience aware B ody language S till! We use a still image at the start and end of performances so the audience know we are ready to begin and when to clap!!

3 BODY AS PROP = using your body as an object eg. tree

4 Someone who helps tell the story
NARRATOR Someone who helps tell the story Needs to have- Clear vocal projection Expressive voice [can change –emotion, pitch, pace & volume]

5 ACTOR Someone playing a part in a play Daniel Radcliffe

6 CHARACTER A person in a play / story Harry Potter

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