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Solutions Chapter 24.

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1 Solutions Chapter 24

2 A Solution is a mixture of a solute and a solvent.
Examples of solutions include: Salt water Sugar water Coffee water

3 How a solution is formed
The water particles move in between the sugar particles and push them apart. The sugar particles begin to break away from each other and mix with the water particles

4 A Solution is a mixture of a solute and a solvent.
A solute(copper sulfate) is being added to a solvent(water) to form a solution of copper sulfate in water.

5 Concentrated and Dilute solutions
A concentrated solution is one with a large amount of solute in a small amount of solvent. A dilute solution is one with a small amount of solute in a large amount of solvent

6 A Saturated solution A saturated solution is one which contains as much dissolved solute as possible at a given Temperature. If the temperature is raised more solute will dissolve.

7 Other Solvents. Different solutes dissolve in different solvents.

8 Crystallisation Crystallisation is the formation of crystals when a hot , saturated solution is cooled or when the solvent is allowed to evaporate from the solution. When the hot saturated solution cools, crystals are formed.

9 Text book Solutions A1. Solute, solvent. A2. Dissolves, solution.
A4. Dilute, concentrated. A5. Dissolved solute, changing, temperature. A6. Soluble. A7. Hot, concentrated, cool, long. A8. More.

10 B2. (a) Moving water molecules would crash into the sugar molecules, breaking them off and placing them between the water molecules. (b)The water molecules are given more energy, can move faster and crash into the sugar molecules faster, dissolving them more quickly. (c) Greater surface area of sugar, so more sugar molecules are on the outside, making it easier for the water molecules to get at them.

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