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Mean value based reversible data hiding in encrypted images

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1 Mean value based reversible data hiding in encrypted images
Source:Optik, vol.130, pp , 2017 Authors:Smita Agrawal, Manoj Kumar Speaker :Xiaoshuang Li Date : /04/26

2 Outline Introduction Proposed Scheme Experimental Results Conclusions

3 Introduction vacating room for embedding after encryption
[1] W. Hong, T.S. Chen, H.Y. Wu, An improved reversible data hiding in encrypted images using side match, IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 19 (4) (2012)199–202. [2] X.Liao, C.W. Shu, Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on absolute mean difference of multiple neighbouring pixels, J. Vis. Commun.Image Represent. 28 (2015) 21–27. (2) reserving room for embedding before encryption [1] K.D. Ma, W.M. Zhang, X.F. Zhao, N.H. Yu, F.H. Li, Reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption, IEEE Trans. Inf.Forensics Secur. 8 (3) (2013) 553–562. [2] X. Cao, L. Du, X.X. Wei, D.M. Meng, X.J. Guo, High capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images by patch-level sparse representation, IEEETrans. Cybern. 46 (5) (2015) 1132–1143.

4 Proposed Scheme(1/9) The flowchart of the proposed scheme

5 Proposed Scheme(2/9) Preserving mean values
Where denotes the th pixel value of the th set of the image I and 𝑙 𝑖𝑗

6 Proposed Scheme(3/9) Encryption procedure
Where J is an encrypting image, R is a pseudorandom number matrix, and and for an image of size

7 Proposed Scheme(4/9) Embedding procedure
Watermark bit is added in all pixel values of the corresponding set of the image E except first pixel which holds the mean value of that particular set. In this way, encrypted watermarked image C is obtained.

8 Proposed Scheme(5/9) Decryption procedure
Where and for an image of size

9 Proposed Scheme(6/9) Watermark extraction
Where denotes the th pixel value of the th set of the image D and If consider the first set , embedded watermark bit is 0, Therefore,

10 Proposed Scheme(7/9) If embedded watermark bit is 1, Therefore, .

11 Proposed Scheme(8/9) Image recovery
Where (which holds the original mean value) represents the first element of the set , is the recovered value of the first pixel for the set

12 Proposed Scheme(9/9) sample pixel values;
(b) modified values after preserving mean; (c) pseudorandom numbers; (d)encrypted pixels; (e) encrypted watermarked pixels; (f) directly decrypted watermarked pixels; (g) pixel values after watermark extraction; (h) Recovered pixels.

13 Experimental results(1/7)
Original Lena image; (b)encrypted Lena image; (c) encrypted and watermarked Lena image; (d) directly decrypted Lena image containing watermark; (e) recovered Lena image (after watermark extraction).

14 Experimental results(2/7)
Histogram analysis: (a) histogram of original image; (b) histogram of encrypted image; (c) histogram of encrypted and watermarked image; (d)Histogram of directly decrypted image containing watermark; (e) histogram of recovered image (after watermark extraction).

15 Experimental results(3/7)

16 Experimental results(4/7)
[37] X. Zhang, Reversible data hiding in encrypted image, IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 18 (4) (2011) 255–258. [38] W. Hong, T.S. Chen, H.Y. Wu, An improved reversible data hiding in encrypted images using side match, IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 19 (4) (2012)199–202.

17 Experimental results(5/7)

18 Experimental results(6/7)

19 Experimental results(7/7)

20 Conclusions A novel reversible data hiding technique for encrypted images. Suitable for privacy protection applications for sensitive fields.

21 Thank you!

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