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Sport Psychology in GAA

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1 Sport Psychology in GAA
Clifton Sport Psychology Sport Psychology in GAA How to Mentally Prepare Athletes For Gaelic Games 1

2 ‘The mind is the athlete. The body is simply the means it uses
Clifton Sport Psychology ‘The mind is the athlete. The body is simply the means it uses to run faster or longer, jump higher, shoot straighter, kick better, swim harder, hit further, or box better’. Bryce Courtney, The Power of One, 1992 2

3 To identify key areas of sport psychology
Learning Outcomes To identify key areas of sport psychology To apply these areas to Gaelic Games To empower GAA coaches with knowledge Clifton Sport Psychology 3

4 Objectives To explain the key theories and principles of sport
psychology and how they lead to improved athletic performance To apply these principles to Gaelic Games To give appropriate examples in order to empower coaches to use these principles with their athletes Clifton Sport Psychology 4

5 Motivation Anxiety Team Cohesion Key Mental Areas
Clifton Sport Psychology 5

6 Motivation As coaches you firstly be motivated
‘Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal’. As coaches you firstly be motivated Impossible to motivate others if you can’t motivate yourself Clifton Sport Psychology 6

7 A quick check of your Motivation
Activity A quick check of your Motivation Ask the coach beside you Why Did You Play Sports? Why Do You Coach? Clifton Sport Psychology 7

8 Like me tonight!!!!! Remember Clifton Sport Psychology
Always remember….Players come to coaches already highly motivated Therefore… It’s your job to maintain your players’ natural motivation to play the sport Clifton Sport Psychology Like me tonight!!!!! 8

9 Goal Setting Communicate Feedback Music
How do we do it Goal Setting Communicate Feedback Music New & Exciting Training Give Players Responsibility Have Players of Week/ Man of Matches Know your players Clifton Sport Psychology 9

10 GOAL SETTING What to measure -performance profiling
When we set them-performance goals not outcome goals challenging goals not easy ones realistic goals specific goals short term not long term goals goals assist performance attitude and motivation . feedback on progress is important players must accept goals 10

11 With your players or fellow coaches
Performance Profiling With your players or fellow coaches list the important attributes of the game. Give the profile to the players Player rates where you feel you are (at this moment) on each attribute (1=not at all like me & 10= could not get any better). Clifton Sport Psychology 11

12 The primary function of a coach is to somehow
Clifton Sport Psychology FEEDBACK The primary function of a coach is to somehow alter existing sporting behavior - could be a technique, tactics, skills or behaviour As coaches, you must make a conscious decision as to whether we will use a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE approach when you attempt to make these changes 12

13 Advantage Disadvantages
Using a Negative Approach (shouting, fear, negative feedback) to Change Behaviour Advantage It often works -- can eliminate undesirable behaviour. But only in the short run and only when we are present and only when we’re willingly to punish with exercise!! Clifton Sport Psychology Disadvantages Can be very unpleasant -- reduce enjoyment and MOTIVATION (may increase likelihood of athletes quitting the team) Increases ANXIETY (and error rate) Produces “fear of failure” 13

14 Clifton Sport Psychology

15 Anxiety Clifton Sport Psychology Anxiety is a natural reaction
to threats in the environment and part of the preparation for the ‘fight or flight’ response. It happens in Sport because: It can be a threat posed towards one’s ego/self esteem Demands of training or competition exceed one’s perceived ability It can be physically exhausting It places you against superior opponents Hostile fans might verbally abuse you the Elements may need to be overcome Your emotional frailties are constantly laid bare for all to see 15

16 Clifton Sport Psychology
Anxiety 16

17 “Walking from the locker-room to the ring is the scariest feeling I ever had in my life…It's like I have butterflies, my heart is beating, I'm already sweating, my hands are wet, it's just a real scary feeling” Gerald McClellan, former WBC super-middleweight champion 17

18 Recognizing Symptoms of Arousal and State Anxiety
Physical (somatic) symptons Profuse sweating, muscular tension, butterflies, dry mouth, blushing, nausea Mental (cognitive) symptoms Confusion, poor concentration, fear, negative images, forgetfulness, indecision, feeling heavy, loss of confidence, negative self-talk Behavioural symptoms Biting fingernails, inhibited posture, lethargic movements, going through the motions, playing safe, introversion, consistently better performance in non-evaluative situations 18

19 Anxiety Relaxation and Breathing Techniques (see GAA web) Routines
Techniques to Solve Anxiety Relaxation and Breathing Techniques (see GAA web) Routines Imagery (see GAA web) Self-Talk Clifton Sport Psychology 19

20 Post Match/ Half Time Team Talks - organised & worthwhile
ROUTINES Post Match/ Half Time Team Talks organised & worthwhile Player routines for games 2-3 hours before-Somatic Announce team days in advance/give players instructions-Cognitive Same warm up all before all games Routines in changing rooms Players aware of their job Posters of players-characteristics Captain to text players Presentation of jerseys Individuals work on pre-performance rituals Clifton Sport Psychology 20

21 They can be a very powerful tool effecting performance
Self-Talk The collection of thoughts or statements players make to themselves regarding their performance. They can be a very powerful tool effecting performance Athletes usually use them negatively-Inappropriate Negative Coaches should identify if athlete using Self Talk Change to –Appropriate Positive Examples ‘Watch the ball’- Concentration ‘Go for it’- Fighting Spirit ‘Relax’- Alleviate Fear and Choking Clifton Sport Psychology 21

22 The key is changing Negative to Positive
Examples of Negative and Positive Self-Talk Clifton Sport Psychology NEGATIVE POSITIVE ALWAYS OFTEN I MUST I WANT I CANNOT IT MAY BE DIFFICULT I DONT WANT I WILL The key is changing Negative to Positive 22

23 TEAM COHESION Team cohesion is commonly defined as a dynamic process that is reflected in the tendency of a group to remain united in the pursuit of its goals and objectives Q. What qualities, attributes, and characteristics does a team need? Q. Which ones does a successful team that other teams don’t? Clifton Sport Psychology 23

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34 I hope you have taken something from tonight
Thank-you for your time Please take a card I hope you have taken something from tonight And remember to coach a very important lesson NEVER GIVE UP Clifton Sport Psychology 34

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