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Crumple Zone Physics Dynamics.

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1 Crumple Zone Physics Dynamics

2 Crumple Zones A crumple zone is the zone of an object that absorbs energy upon impact. The purpose of the crumple zone is to increase the amount of time it takes an object to come to rest. Reduced impact force!!

3 Parkour Parkour is the art/sport of free-style urban running. Athletes participating in Parkour use crumple zone physics concepts to help them achieve their amazing stunts.


5 Car Crashes Cars are made specifically to crumple upon collisions. This increases the time of the collision, reducing the acceleration and decreasing the impact forces.


7 Stunt people – Crash mats
Stunt people use crash mats to “cushion” their falls. Really they are just increasing their collision times, thus reducing their accelerations and as a result reducing the impact forces.



10 Bungee Jumping Bungee jumpers using the elasticity of heavy ropes/cords that allow them to greatly increase the time of the “collision”, reducing the accelerations and impact forces; hence making it safer.



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