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Illustrated Study Guide Chapter 27

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Presentation on theme: "Illustrated Study Guide Chapter 27"— Presentation transcript:

1 Illustrated Study Guide Chapter 27
Name:__________________________ Ms. McIntyre Color:___________ Date:____________ Illustrated Study Guide Chapter 27 Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta Label on the map Athens, Sparta, Aegean Sea and Peloponnesus Peninsula Draw on the Peloponnesus Peninsula the physical feature that isolated Sparta. Athenian was economy based on _______________________ Now, draw a merchant ship on the Aegean Sea What is the difference between Athenian Assembly and the Spartan Assembly? How can I become a member of the Council of 500? Label this country No books— so how did Athenian boys learn? ___________________ How did Athenians get enough food to eat? __________________________________ What items could Athenians buy at the Agora?

2 Why was Sparta an oligarchy?
Who educates the Athenian girls? ____________ What will she teach them? Why was Sparta an oligarchy? Who made all the decisions? draw symbol 28 others called We don’t like to trade with Sparta! Why?! instead of these Upset Athenians Education in Sparta + both When can I be a full citizen in Sparta? List the rights of women What happens now that we’ve been conquered by the Spartans? ____________________________________________________ Spartan woman Athenian woman

3 18 pt font

4 Label on the map Athens, Sparta, Aegean Sea and Peloponnesus Peninsula
Name:__________________________ Color:______________ Illustrated Study Guide Chapter 27 Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta Label on the map Athens, Sparta, Aegean Sea and Peloponnesus Peninsula Athenian was economy based on _________________ Now, draw a merchant ship on the Aegean Sea Draw on the Peloponnesus Peninsula the physical feature that isolated Sparta. What is the difference between Athenian Assembly and the Spartan Assembly? How can I become a member of the Council of 500?

5 Label this country No books— so how did Athenian boys learn? _____________________________________ How did Athenians get enough food to eat? __________________________________ What items could Athenians buy at the Agora? Who educates the Athenian girls? ____________ What will she teach them?

6 instead Why was Sparta an oligarchy? Who made all the decisions?
draw symbol 28 others called Why?! We don’t like to trade with Sparta! instead of these Upset Athenians Education in Sparta + both When can I be a full citizen in Sparta?

7 What happens now that we’ve been conquered by the Spartans
List the rights of women Spartan woman Athenian woman

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