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Min Chen, China Political University of China

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1 Dictionary Use in Vocabulary Learning: Focus on RUC Students’ Reading Practice
Min Chen, China Political University of China Shoujing Li, Renmin University of China May 10, 2007

2 Results and Discussion
Research Background Research Design Results and Discussion Conclusion and Implications

3 Research Background the necessity of dictionary use research
its role in English learning its function in college freshmen’s English learning Previous findings about dictionary use the effectiveness of dictionary use compared with other vocabulary learning strategies; the specific strategies of dictionary use; the factors that affect dictionary use the purpose of the study what is the general situation of university freshmen in dictionary use in RUC context? Are there any differences between the good learner and the poor learner with respect to dictionary use process? If there are, what are they?

4 Research Background Research Design Results and Discussions Conclusion and Implications

5 1. The Sample 2. Research Instruments data
The dictionary use questionnaire The Placement Test data The follow-up interview

6 The Model of Dictionary Use in Vocabulary Learning
Pre-dictionary stage: 1. Receive dictionary guidance (teacher recommendation and formal training ) 2. Understand dictionary (belief and knowledge) 3.Access dictionary (availability& frequency) 2 Understand dictionary 3 1 Access dictionary Dictionary guidance During-dictionary stage: 1. Determine a problem word 2. Select a dictionary . 3. Locate a proper headword. 4 Select a proper entry 5. Extract relevant information 2 Select a dictionary 5 Extract relevant information Succeed? Yes Determine a problem word 1 3 Locate a proper headword No 4 Select a proper entry out Post-dictionary stage: 1. Relate the information to the context 2. Record the information Yes Use Case Description: User clicks the Personalization menu and selects “This Page” item to launch “Personalize Page-My Home Overview” 4.1 Definition plan 8.31 start develop available available Solution managers for different content and then synchronize that with the development UID for adjustion for requirement Coordinator with general management + remote service team (Process definition + KM): Solution management + QM + change council + Maintain the category and QM internal (Solution manager for the high level QM) New Content definition: Date migration template + Succeed? 1 Relate it to the context 2 Record the information No out

7 Conclusion and implication
Research Background Research Design Results and Discussions Conclusion and implication

8 3. Post-dictionary stage
Major Findings the General Situation 1. Pre-dictionary stage the importance of the dictionary and the access to dictionary are established among the college freshmen, but they lack basic knowledge of the dictionary and the dictionary instruction. 2. During- dictionary stage the freshmen are good at determining the problem word, extracting relevant information, but they face problems selecting a dictionary, locating a proper headword and selecting a proper entry; 3. Post-dictionary stage freshmen can relate the information actively and flexibly to the context, but they do not establish a proper recording strategy.

9 Major Findings the General Situation
1. Pre-dictionary stage the importance of the dictionary and the access to dictionary are established among the college freshmen, but they lack basic knowledge of the dictionary and the dictionary instruction. 81% of the subjects believed that dictionary was important ; The subjects owned 2.66 copies of dictionary per person; 62% of the subjects did not know the user group of their dictionaries; 85% of the subjects never received any formal dictionary training and 46% were never recommended a dictionary by the teachers.

10 Major Findings the General Situation
2. During- dictionary stage the freshmen are good at determining the problem word, extracting relevant information, but they face problems in selecting a dictionary, locating a proper headword and selecting a proper entry; When determining the problem word, 78% of the subjects regarded the key verb as the problem word. when extracting relevant information, meaning, pronunciation and usage are the three top consulting priorities. 63% preferred to use bilingualized dictionary. When searching for a verbal phrase, only 48% of the subjects chose verb as the headword. when choosing the proper entry, 28% of the subjects chose the first entry.

11 3. Post-dictionary stage
Major Findings the General Situation 3. Post-dictionary stage freshmen can relate the information flexibly to the context, but they do not establish a proper recording strategy. when the subjects related the information to the context and found out that the two did not match, they used various strategies to solve the problem. 31% of the subjects in in-class reading and 48% of the subjects in after-class reading didn’t record the information.

12 An unexpected finding E-dictionary is replacing the traditional paper dictionary as the major resource tool in vocabulary learning. 51% of the subjects used E-dictionary as the major resource tool. The problems in using E-dictionary must be used with other dictionaries over-reliance of students on E-dictionary

13 The major findings Differences between good and poor learners
the pre-dictionary stage : guidance dictionary belief access the during-dictionary stage : selecting a dictionary locating proper headword extracting relevant information

14 Results and Discussions
Research background Research design Results and Discussions Conclusion and Implications

15 Conclusion university freshmen face problems through the three stages of dictionary use, which brings a negative impact on efficient dictionary use. The good learner is more active and flexible at the pre-and during dictionary stages than the poor learner.

16 Implications The English teachers in both higher education and secondary education should play a bigger role in fostering better dictionary users. at the pre-dictionary stage at the during and post-dictionary stages

17 Future Work Dictionary use process E-dictionary

18 Thank you ! Chen Min

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