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Let’s Review! Step 1: Step 2:

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Review! Step 1: Step 2:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Review! Step 1: Step 2:
Rotate through each station and discuss the questions with the others in your group. Step 2: As you rotate through each station and discuss your thoughts, be considerate of the opinions of others. We DON’T always see eye to eye, and that is OKAY!

2 It’s Your Turn to Convey your Thoughts in writing…
You have 2 minutes to convey your thoughts. Complete your thoughts on the pink slip. What do you think?

3 What You should be doing during today’s Class:
Once you receive Teacher Approval, create your PowerPoint. Remember: Your presentation should be 3-4 minutes. 1 3 2 Complete your career research using the handout (red) provided to you by your teacher. Plan your presentation using the Graphic Organizer. Teacher approval needed before starting your work in PowerPoint.

4 What is expected of You? Your final presentation should fall in the 3-4 minute time limit. Please pay close attention to the revision to the task. Remember, you will be graded according to the rubric (WHITE sheet) provided to you by the teacher.

5 The Choice is Yours… Revision to the Task: Choice 1
I can utilize the internet to conduct research and explore possible careers for my future. I can present this information using technology. Revision to the Task: The Choice is Yours… Choice 1 (Original Assignment) Choice 2 (Revised Option) Create a PowerPoint to present your findings from research. Remember the examples we reviewed on Thursday. Create a poster or booklet to present your findings from research. Your poster/booklet will be graded according to the same criteria on the original rubric. Projects should be finished today. Presentations will be on Monday.

6 In Conclusion… What have you learned during this project?
How can you relate the project to our study of success? How can you relate it to the article on poverty? How can you relate it to the chapter we read in the novel, Outliers?

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