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Social Skills and Counseling Approaches

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1 Social Skills and Counseling Approaches
The Learning Clinic Katie McGrady, Psy.D. Raymond W. DuCharme, Ph.D.

2 Pragmatic Language Skills
The practical use of language THE LEARNING CLINIC

3 Survey Instructions Likert Scale of 0 - 5 Absence of skill 0 – 20%
Absence of skill 1 0 – 20% Rarely 2 21 – 40% Sometimes 3 41 – 60% Requires further observation 4 61 – 80% Mastery in most settings; Some internalization 5 81 – 100% Mastered; consistent in all settings; internalized

4 Survey Instructions Likert Scale of 0 - 5 Absence of skill 1 1 – 20%
Absence of skill 1 1 – 20% Rarely 2 21 – 40% Sometimes 3 41 – 60% Requires further observation 4 61 – 80% Mastery in most settings; Some internalization 5 81 – 100% Mastered; consistent in all settings; internalized

5 Primary Deficits of AS Two of the salient characteristics of AS are deficits in language and in communication.

6 TOPIC The “subject” of the communication THE LEARNING CLINIC

7 Establishing a Conversation
Can the student appropriately establish a conversation? Select & introduce a topic Choose a topic Initiate the presentation of information

8 Maintaining a Conversation
Can the student appropriately maintain a conversation? Duration of topic Is the student “long-winded”? Appropriate turn-taking Wait for pause in conversation before speaking Give others “space” to speak

9 Content of the Topic Accuracy Logic Relevance Conciseness
Is the information accurate or distorted? Logic One thought logically follows another Giving reasonable information representing sound judgment Relevance Information relevant to the people and setting Conciseness Information is concise and succinct

10 Changing Topics Appropriately
Change topic of conversation to coincide with shifts in conversation Incorporate verbal & nonverbal cues to know when a change in topic is appropriate Demonstrate cognitive flexibility to shift from one topic to another Appropriate introduction of new topic Transitional statements

11 Revising Messages to Fit Changes in Topic
When new information is received, does the student: Revise messages within flow of reciprocal conversation OR Rigidly adhere to previously formed concepts & opinions

12 Modifying Message to Repair Breakdown in Communication
When the student perceives a misunderstanding of the message, can s/he: Modify the message Adjust the message so it is better understood

13 Appropriately Terminating Conversation
Can the student: Use appropriate closing statements rather than walking away or starting another activity

14 PURPOSE The inferred “why” behind the communication

15 Requesting / Asking Who - When - What - Why - How Either / or
Inquire about another’s emotions Ask product questions Elicit information about a process/sequence Request an action Ask permission Ask clarification rather than feigning understanding Ask questions which suggest an action

16 Informing Explain, describe, or identify things
Express personal judgments, opinions, attitudes, etc. Express beliefs about other’s abilities Inform others of their choices, answer questions, or indicate their compliance

17 Regulating Use warnings or reminders Delineate personal claims
Use of statements that are intended to control another’s behavior, to get one’s attention, negotiate, or influence actions Use warnings or reminders Delineate personal claims Label the speaker who gets the next turn and use persuasion appropriately Attempt to delay or speed-up the actions of oneself or others

18 Expressing (receptive/expressive)
Use of expressive statements and understanding of other’s use of same Identify and express emotions Tell jokes; understand & respond to other’s jokes Apologize, congratulate, or exclaim Use and respond to teasing appropriately Volume and tone consistent with situation

19 Ritualizing Use of good manners and common social amenities
Social communication that involves an “automatic” element in the response Use of good manners and common social amenities Use of automatic social exchanges with a specific context / audience

20 ABSTRACTION The type of message that is communicated by language that is not concrete THE LEARNING CLINIC

21 Use, understand, & respond to:
Sarcasm Idioms & figurative language Indirect messages

22 VISUAL / GESTURAL CUES Nonverbal means of communicating attitudes, moods, or affective states THE LEARNING CLINIC

23 Visual / Gestural Cues Use appropriate visual / gestural cues
Eye contact Facial expression Proximity Body movements Appropriately respond to other’s use of these cues

24 Eye Contact Respond appropriately to other’s eye contact
Use eye contact appropriate to the situation (rather than avoiding eye contact or using it inconsistently)

25 Gestures / Body Posture
Body language (posture) can be consistent with the message & enhance it, or inconsistent and confuse the message Use gestures & body postures appropriate to the person, setting, and communication Accurately “read” and respond to other’s use of body language

26 Facial Expression Use facial expressions
Facial expressions, such as a frown or smile, are nonverbal forms of communication Use facial expressions Consistent with their verbal message Appropriate for the setting Accurately “read” & respond to other’s use of facial expressions

27 Proximity refers to the distance one stands from another
Proximity / Distance Proximity refers to the distance one stands from another Awareness of other’s personal space Maintain appropriate distance from others Adjust distance from others in response to their behavior Differential use of personal space with family, friends, others Adjust use of personal space for different settings

28 Physical Contact Use of touch as a means of communication & to influence the behavior of others Use touch to facilitate communication Use common forms of physical contact to communicate with others “High fives” with a peer Avoid physical contact with another’s private body parts Response to touch is appropriate to person and context

29 Functional Analysis Social Cognitive Behavioral

30 Problem Identification
Assess Level of Emotional Arousal Behavioral Difficulties Self-Control Difficulties Appropriate Social Skills? Cognitive Distortion? Appropriate Self-Control Skills? Self- Monitoring Self- Evaluation Self- Reinforcement Self- Instruction Re-examine Problem Problem- Solving Deficit? Self- Instruction Training Problem Solving Training Level of Response Contingent Reinforcement Environmental Manipulation Cognitive Restructuring Cognitive Difficulties Problem Identification Social Skills Training NO YES HIGH LOW THE LEARNING CLINIC

31 Appropriate Social Skills
Does the child have the appropriate social skills needed to interact in an acceptable social manner? Have they been able to pick up social cues throughout their lives to learn socially acceptable behavior? Do they have the cognitive and language processing abilities to assimilate the knowledge of socially acceptable behaviors?

32 Level of Response-Contingent Reinforcement?
What is the student’s level of response to reinforcement contingencies? Avoid response-cost systems Does the environment reinforce the correct targeted behavior? If not, what behavior does it reinforce?

33 Cognitive Distortion Does the student have the ability to reflect and evaluate his/her behavior? = cognitive deficit Does the student have maladaptive or dysfunctional thinking patterns; or do they perceive situations and are unable to evaluate the situation with an accurate perspective? = cognitive distortion

34 Problem-Solving Deficit?
Does the student have the problem-solving and organizational skills needed to solve problems? Can the student accurately read context cues and adjust his/her behavior accordingly? Does the student have the ability to identify ineffective strategies? Does the student have the ability to effectively apply the correct strategy?

35 Self-Control Does the student have impulse control?
Does the student remember previously stated rules, direction, and rehearsal? Is the student able to learn to self-regulate? Is the student able to perform skills with cues? Is the student able to perform appropriate learned skills without prompt from cues?


37 Social Pragmatics Group Curriculum
Interventions for practical application THE LEARNING CLINIC

38 Pragmatics of social interaction & communication objectives
Personal space & boundaries Full range of emotions Verbal & nonverbal communication Emotions associated with nonverbal communication Tone and pitch Volume “Messages” connoted by nonverbal communication Cue reading Topics of conversation Entry and exit skills of communication Give and receive feedback Seek feedback

39 Format for Sessions Define the skills and give examples
Discuss - facilitate group discussion to help students understand how the skill is used in everyday life. How does the presence or absence of the skill impact one’s life? What are opportunities to use the skill? Exercise and Videotape - involve the students in an activity to practice the skill View the videotape and provide opportunity for peer and staff verbal feedback

40 Demonstrate an understanding of personal space & boundaries
Define: Personal space Discuss: Appropriate distance (about one arm’s length)

41 View videotape and feedback:
Exercise and Videotape: Role-play situations in which students attend to personal space in a group situation. Students practice adjusting their distance from others. Meeting someone for the first time Talking with other students at school Approaching a store clerk to ask a question View videotape and feedback: Visual feedback - each student views and evaluates own performance Verbal feedback - peers provide feedback

42 Demonstrate the ability to identify a full range of emotions
Define: Different types and degree/levels of emotions and difference between obvious and subtle emotions Discuss: Help make a chart of the full range of emotions. Each student must give an example of the emotion they identify.

43 Exercise and Videotape: Students demonstrate how they look when they experience that emotion.
View videotape and feedback: Visual feedback - each student views their own performance: What did they do well? What could have been done better? Verbal feedback - peers provide feedback

44 Additional Interventions
Pantomime Contracting & self-assessments Cognitive behavioral therapy Dyadic sessions

45 Assessment through Intervention
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions Functional Analysis Social Skills Training Pragmatic Skills Training Pragmatic Skill Assessment

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