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ABB From Wells to Wheels Permanent reservoir imaging and control

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Presentation on theme: "ABB From Wells to Wheels Permanent reservoir imaging and control"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABB From Wells to Wheels Permanent reservoir imaging and control
Hugh Clayton Philip Angevine Permanent reservoir imaging and control The hydrocracking process for clean fuels ABB

2 From wells… Profiting from knowledge

3 Surface seismics - today’s mature technology
Not continuous or real-time - need to deploy survey ships Limited resolution sensors are distant from reservoir

4 Microseismics - tomorrow’s technology
Permanent monitoring with sensors in the reservoir Listen for naturally occurring low-level seismic events

5 Permanent logging - emerging technology
Advanced sensors permanently installed in the well Fiber optic pressure & temperature sensors high reliability, field-proven Permanent electric logging sensors - under development

6 Information ­ delivering data to the user
Integrating the downhole sensors into the oilfield control system

7 Knowledge Using microseismic information to better manage the reservoir Interpreting continuous microseismic event data. Detecting critical changes in the reservoir – water break-through, fault reactivation, etc.

8 Realising profit - Admarc - ABB’s smart well

9 From wells... Hugh Clayton Philip Angevine ... to wheels ABB

10 Today’s hydrocracking market
Acceptable sulfur limits 2000: Six ISOCRACKING units awarded to Chevron Lummus Global Worldwide: Large catalyst resale and retrofit market Asia/Middle East: Driven by distillate demand and environmental considerations Europe/Americas: Strong environmental drivers “Driving to Clean Air” 1980 2000 2010

11 Versatile process for green fuels and more…
“Dirty” Feeds “Green Products” Hydrogen HYDROCRACKING Gasoline Jet fuel Diesel Feedstocks for: gasoline production (synergy with FCC) lube oil manufacture petrochemicals production VGO = Vacuum Gas Oil LCO = Light Cycle Oil from FCC CGO = Coker Gas Oil

12 Taking a current FCC-based refinery...
Heavy oil Gasoline and heavy products FCC = Fluidized Catalytic Cracking unit

13 ...into a clean fuels refinery via ISOCRACKING
Major environmental impact High quality diesel ISOCRACKING Low sulfur gasoline FCC Heavy oil Balances diesel to gasoline. Enhances gasoline production

14 When middle distillate is preferred...
Stand-alone ISOCRACKING does the job Benefits: Converts heavy oils to high-quality jet fuel and diesel. Reduces aromatics Reduces sulfur, even from difficult heavy oil feeds Produces highest yields of aviation turbine (jet) fuels and diesel fuels


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