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Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter

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Presentation on theme: "Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
January 30th – February 3rd ELA: We are going to read a series of nonfiction articles and practice identifying various text features. We are going to begin writing a personal narrative about a trip to an African safari. Vocabulary: Graceful: “moving in a smooth and beautiful way.” Spectacular: “amazing to look at.” Original: “completely new and different.” If something is original, it is not like anything else. Achieve: “do something successfully, especially something that requires a lot of effort.” Challenge: “something that is hard to do or requires a lot of work or effort.” Determination: “deciding you will do something and then doing it, even if it is difficult.” Math: Our math skills this week are fractions on a number line, fractions above 1, and equivalent fractions. Announcements: Fundraiser books are due ASAP. Fill out your book today! Yearbooks are on sale for $35. Get yours now. Yearbook signing party at the end of the year. Make up day for our snow day is Feb. 17th. Join Remind by to This is how we send out reminders/announcements. I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. Test Dates: Math: Understanding Fractions Assessment on Tuesday, Jan. 31st ELA: Week 19/20 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, Feb. 3rd Please encourage your child to practice skills on as much as possible! Math Homework Mon. – Review Rounding p. 3. Review Study Guide for tomorrow’s test. Tues.- Review Adding and subtracting within 1,000 p. 4 Wed.- Review Arrays, p. 5 Thurs. – Review Finding the Missing Number, p. 6. Be sure to encourage your child to read each night. They should be reading at least 20 minutes. Ask your child about what they are reading and what is happening in their book. They love to share their reading knowledge with you! ELA Homework Packet due THURSDAY  .

2 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
Math I can: Recognize the value of a fraction larger than 1, for ex. 5/2. Place a fraction on the number line. Recognize equivalent fractions. multiply and divide using 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s,4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 8’s, and 10’s. Helpful Websites: I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. ELA Standards I can: Ask and answer questions about a text Determine the main idea of a text and explain the key details and explain how they support the main idea Determine the meaning of words and phrases used in a text Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

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