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Strategic pricing and antitrust issues in the European pharmaceutical market: the Glaxo case. EDLE – European Doctorate in Law and Economics University.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic pricing and antitrust issues in the European pharmaceutical market: the Glaxo case. EDLE – European Doctorate in Law and Economics University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic pricing and antitrust issues in the European pharmaceutical market: the Glaxo case. EDLE – European Doctorate in Law and Economics University of Bologna Claudia Desogus

2 Roadmap… The European approach to PT - a change?
The Glaxo case: the dual pricing scheme Consumer welfare with and without PT Do savings from PT exist? How large they are? A numerical drug bargaining game From static to dynamic efficiency: the link between PT and incentive to innovate 3 dicembre 2018

3 The European approach to PT
Legal doctrine Freedom of movement of goods (Artt EC) Regional exhaustion within the EEA of the IPR after the first sale “PT does not hinder patents’ subject matter” (C-15/74 Centrafarm v. Sterling); “PT is an important driving force for market integration” (EU Commission, 1998); “Medicinal products fall within the rules of the Internal Market” (EU Commission, 2003). 3 dicembre 2018

4 Some figures about PT… Importing markets: Germany, UK,
Size EUR 4.6bn +11.8% +2.5% market Growth Importing markets: Germany, UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Austria. market growth +2.8% 9.1% Share Import mkts 3.2% Share All EU 27 Notes not yet updated Source: Data at MAT/JUN/07, IMS Health. Values are at standard purchase price in importing market. Transaction can be pharmacy sell-in or sell-out. 3 dicembre 2018

5 Dual pricing: international price discrimination or export ban?
Prices in Euros. Data sourced from EU Commission decision on GlaxoWellcome case, 2001, pp Calculations are mine. 3 dicembre 2018

6 Exports bans under EU law
Agreements with an anticompetitive objective (hardcore restrictions) ex Art. 81(1) EC Art. 4(a) and 4(b) Reg. 2790/99 Art. 5 Reg. 2658/00 Art. 5 Reg. 2659/00 Commission practice (Distillers, Gosme-Martell, Moët et Chandon, Pittsburgh Corning Europe, …) ECJ case law (Consten and Grundig, HAG, BMW, VW, General Motors, Sandoz …) 3 dicembre 2018

7 A new jurisprudential trend in pharmaceuticals?
Glaxo case Dual pricing is not anticompetitive in its object but only in its effects. Because drug price controls impedes to presume the existence of a real competitive pressure on prices from PT. 3 dicembre 2018

8 Is the pharmaceutical market specific?
‘The anticompetitiveness of dual pricing has to be assessed in light of the fact that prices are finally set by Member States; prices fall outside the play of supply and demand; prices are established at structurally different levels throughout the Community’. 3 dicembre 2018

9 Price controls and competition
Regulation is in place to remedy market failures (supply-side barriers; no constraints from demand) Other ‘essential’ services subject to regulation and competition law (i.e. energy) are not exempted In 14 out 25 MS there is free pricing or price negotiation Negotiated prices are only maximum prices 3 dicembre 2018

10 Savings from PT on drugs: do they exist?…
Source: P. Kanavos, D. Gross and D. Taylor, Parallel Trading in Medicines: Europe’s experiences and its implications for commercial drug importation in the US, AARP Public Policy Institute, June 2005, as updated by me with information from EAEPC members in 2007. 3 dicembre 2018

11 … and how large they are? “… unless parallel trade can operate dynamically on prices, it creates inefficiencies because… financial benefits accrue to the parallel trader rather than to the health care system or the patient” (EU Commission, 1998); 3 dicembre 2018

12 Trend of direct savings in 4 importing MS
Estimated direct savings from PI in In Millions € Source: York study, 2003; Pedersen study 2006; Pedersen ongoing update. 3 dicembre 2018

13 Dynamic effects of competition:
indirect savings 3 dicembre 2018

14 Level of indirect savings
Difficult to measure (hp counterfactual) Import market dynamics issue Regulatory issue: Reference price (DE) Approval of prices adjustments from financing agency (SW, DK) Price negotiation 3 dicembre 2018

15 Top 15 PI products in UK before and after the new PPRS
Price cut Lipitor 42.5 14.6 5-17% Zoton 37.5 42.7 0-1% Zyprexa 48.6 35.5 0-19% Plavix 46.2 25.8 0% Zoladex 66.5 49.2 0-31% Efexor 28.9 30.8 0-2% Cozaar 43.7 45.4 -10-0% Seretide 16.9 17.5 7% Aprovel 80.9 34.8 24-30% Serevent 28.7 27.4 0-7% Cardura 32.6 6.7 0-55% Risperdal 48.4 39.4 8-14% Lipostat 30.0 13.2 Fosamax 27.5 Aricept 62.2 62.1 (!) Reductions in PI are matched with (>7%) price reductions in six cases 3 dicembre 2018

16 The Swedish experience
“Apart from the direct impact on prices, there are instances of potential parallel imports having an indirect impact on prices. Faced with the prospect of competition from an incipient parallel import trade, some original suppliers of drugs have on occasion voluntarily chosen to cut prices by over 10%, which had the effect of eliminating the conditions necessary for parallel imports.” Swedish Competition Authority 3 dicembre 2018

17 The Cozaar example MSD’ price cut on Cozaar
UK sales (£000) 3/06 - 3/07 Old price (£) New price Price reduction PI market share Tabs 25 mg 14.788 18,09 16,18 10,56% 0,00% 50 mg 52.455 12,80 29,24% 75,09% 100 mg 43.565 24,20 33,14% 57,27% Comp tabs 100/25 mg 1.524 50/12.5 mg 5.912 60,58% Source: EAEPC, European Assocation of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies, August 2007 Estimated savings for the UK NHS: £30.2 million per annum Gain of market share from MSD: 100% Gained revenue for MSD: £ 30 million per annum 3 dicembre 2018

18 The dynamic efficiency of dual pricing
Dual pricing, by eliminating PT, could increase financial resources to be devoted to R&D. Is the balancing exercise ex Art. 81(3) backward looking or forward looking? The shape of the innovation function is crucial to determine the net welfare effect Possibility or certainty of the causality nexus? 3 dicembre 2018

19 PT and the incentive to innovation
Plethora of factors driving innovation What is the incremental impact of parallel trade? Difficult to measure in periods of years needed to develop a drug The issue is much narrower: do relaxations of restrictions to parallel import will increase the incentive to innovate? 3 dicembre 2018

20 Does more money bring more innovation?
Pharmaceutical expenditures R&D expenditures in Billion Euros 3 dicembre 2018

21 Thank you very much!

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