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Mentor Training Workshop

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1 Mentor Training Workshop
Sabrina Garrett Work Based Learning Coordinator

2 Program Orientation An integral part of Work-Based Learning is a supportive adult, referred to as a mentor A good mentor is one who is interested in young people

3 This mentor provides guidance and encouragement to the Work-Based Learning student
They understand human relations and they display character that the Work-Based Learning student wants to emulate

4 Program Expectations Roles of the Mentor Induction Training Evaluation

5 Induction The mentor orients the Work-Based Learning student to the job, to the business and industry as a whole. Training The mentor participates in the development of the training plan Evaluation The mentor evaluates the Work-Based Learning student’s progress in learning their job Counseling The mentor counsels with the student concerning their performance both on the job and in school as well as their relationships with other employees

6 Instructional Behaviors
Demonstrate task performance by doing the task while the Work Base Learning student observes Explain how to perform a task correctly Explain why a task is performed a certain way Monitor and critique the apprentice’s attempts to do the task Model problem solving by thinking aloud and demonstrating problem-solving strategies

7 Adolescent Behavior, Student Motivation, and Discipline
Positive role modeling helps young people raise their ambitions in life Listen effectively Listen for ideas Avoid being judgmental Provide support without rescuing Avoid messages of perfection Ask if you can help, do not order it Praise in public, correct in private

8 Student Evaluation Assessment of student learning is a critical component of Work-Based Education Evaluation must include an assessment of academic performance, an assessment of progress in attaining competencies identified in his/her training plan, and an assessment of attendance, behavior and attitude at school and on the work site The most common method to assess student learning at the work place is regular, written evaluation of student performance by the work site mentor Written evaluations of employability skills and technical skills will be conducted

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