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SA7 IaaS communications & marketing

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1 SA7 IaaS communications & marketing
TF-MSP, 18 March 2015, Amsterdam Lars Fuglevaag

2 How to get started? No marketing & comms plan yet – which is good
Because we need your input First: what do you need during the project / process But more important: what do you need when (not if ) you decide to take up one of the services?

3 How to get started? Business Model Canvas – useful tool for startups and new services. We use this in UNINETT for new services. To the left is most of what we’ll be doing for you, to the right is what you need to focus on. Key partners: CSPs & GÉANT of course. Also need to consider; CSPs local representatives, and if you’re going to need other partners nationally/locally as well Costs – we don’t know yet, but probably there will be one comprehensive cost model for all participating NRENs, that will cover both central costs (GÉANT service management and necessary adaptations) and national/NREN costs Key resources – on our part; division of work GEANT – NREN - institution Key activities – purchasing, implementation, service management, support (very little operation) Revenue – see costs Channels – distribution channels – or – what portal will be used – probably a standard portal – and then NRENs that require anything else will have to solve this at their own expense. But we will come back to this.

4 Customers and customer relations
The customers are yours, as well as the way to reach them. Here we need your input on what you need from us. We’ll probably do a more detailed survey than the last one.

5 Benefit of the service itself
Value proposition Benefit of the service itself General benefits of clouds - flexibility, scalability, user control NREN added value - ? Value proposition of cloud services delivered through GÉANT/NRENs is threefold. The challenge is to find what value we add. Suggestions? Institution/sector control Meeting legal requirements Security Adaptation to institution needs; post-use billing, direct line, education portal… Cost? Federated login

6 What do you need? - informal survey Deconstructed materials Tour?
What can we do for you? What do you need? - informal survey Deconstructed materials Tour? Contributions from the CSPs? Here we need your input We will probably do an informal survey, just some simple questions mailed to the TF-MSP and TF-CPR lists. Please let me know if this should go to someone else in your NREN. From experience: deconstructed materials (text, photos, illustrations, videos, etc for adaptation to your own profiles). Do you need us to visit you? Conferences, workshops, meetings…? What can the CSPs contribute? It’s a question we’ve posted to the CSPs – hopefully they will be all in, trying to help implementation and adoption. How about a blog, keeping you up to date on what’s happening with the task & the services? We’ll publish an overview of what we know from surveys and such; status for the different NRENs, who has responded/who have we Talked to – so we make sure nothing/no-one slips through the cracks.

7 Come along for the ride! This is OUR activity, designed for the benefit of NRENs and their customers. What’s not to like? 

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