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DsJ* ‘s & charmed strange baryons at Belle
Henryk Palka INP PAS Krakow (for Belle) QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
cs spectroscopy pre-2003 era:
_ cs spectroscopy pre-2003 era: Ds1(2536) 1+ (?) (Argus 89) Ds2(2573) 2+ (?) (Cleo 94) (+ 0- Ds , 1- Ds* ) HQS-motivated potential model (Godfrey,Isgur 85): all L=1 states above DK thr., Γ(jq=1/2) >> Γ(3/2) D*K D K L = 2 ….. JP L = 1 jq = 3/2 jq = 1/2 2+ 1+ 0+ L = 0 1- 0- mix jq = sq + L, J = jq + sQ G-I predicted Ds2(2573) jq = 3/2, Ds1(2536) fits nicely too (post-diction) 2 missing states not seen for a decade ‘ too wide, difficult to discover ‘ spin-orbit s-o s-s tensor Theory disputed m(jq=1/2) > m(3/2) (‘inversion’), mixing level between 3P1 and 1P1 (~ HQS breaking) QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Surprises of 2003: Babar: DsJ.(2317) Dsπ0
PRL 90, (2003) Cleo: confirmed DsJ(2317) and found another one: DsJ(2460) PRD 68, (2003) Belle: confirmations + new modes PRL 92, (2004) DsJ(2460) Ds γ DsJ(2317) Dsπ0 DsJ(2460) Ds*π0 QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Masses and widths Widths consistent with mass resolutions
New mass measurements from Babar: m(DsJ(2317) )+ ~2 MeV (hep-ex/ , 211fb-1) m(2460) - m(2317) ≈ m(1-) - m(0-) = 143 MeV PDG’04 average mass differences: m(DsJ(2317)) – m(Ds) = MeV m(DsJ(2460)) – m(Ds*) = MeV m(2460) - m(1-) ≈ m(2317)-m(0-) = 348 MeV QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
New DSJ* ‘s are produced in B decays
while: BF(DDs) or DDs* ≈10-2 QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
DSJ* ‘s spin-parity from BDDsJ*
The initial state state JP=0- restricts v.much possible final state spin-parities Angular distributions: DsJ helicity frame, Ds as a spin analyzer DsJ(2317) Dsπ0 DsJ(2460) Ds*π0 J = 1: 2/d.o.f = 4/8 J = 2: 2/d.o.f = 89/8 J = 0: 2/d.o.f = 3/8 J = 1: 2/d.o.f = 38/8 JP = 0+ JP = 1+ PRL 91, (2003) QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
DSJ* ‘s decay modes summary
The only known BR’s : Ds γ/ Ds*π0 = ( PDG’04 ) Dsπ+ π-/Ds*π0 = BF’s of the DsJ(2460): sum of all seen BF is 76±20 % (Babar hep-ex/ ) All observed decay modes are isospin violating QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Observation of DS1(2536)+ D+ π- K+
hep-ex/ 802±86 ev xP > 0.8 The 2nd 3-body decay of Ds1 observed ( Ds π+ π- : PRL 92, (2004)) 2-body invariant mass spectra: m(D*0) < m(D+) + m(π-), also not enough energy to produce K*, D** spectra in reasonable agreement with 2 out of 3-body phase space QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Angular studies of DS1(2536)+ D*+K0s
hep-ex/ 3474±64 ev A clean signal thanks to hard charm f.f. xP > 0.8 the decay described by 3 angles: cos α, β not flat Ds1 part. polarized cos γ: D*+ polarized 1+ Acos2γ L=2: A=3, L=0 : A=0 |S + D|2 = f(R,φ) A = ± 0.03, χ2/dof = 1.39 |φ|< 42o R=ΓS/(ΓS+ΓD) φ : relative phase QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Summary on DsJ* ‘s DsJ(2317) , DsJ(2460) even better known
than Ds1, Ds2 More precise BF measurements could discriminate between available models 4 states with right quantum numbers to form L=1 cs multiplet, do they form it? Re-examination of the pot. model (Cahn,Jackson): pot.model rather inconclusive on which jq multiplet is heavier 3P1 – 1P1 mixing needs further studies (also on the DsJ(2460) side): Ds1D*+K0s shows large S/D Other pot.model predictions (radial excit., higher spins) should be tested Chiral doublers(Nowak,Zached; Bardeen…): is m(0+)-m(0-)=m(1+)-m(1-) accidental (predictions for higer spin exist) Babar: J=3 ? (Charm’06, Meson’06- talk by Pelizaus) QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Charmed strange baryons
Precision measurement of c0 and c+ masses : PLB 605, 237 (2005) c0 ‘s reconstructed in 7 decay modes : QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Charmed strange baryons
c0 and c+ masses : QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Charmed strange baryons
Study of excited states c(2645) : C(2645)0 C(2645)+ Reflection from C(2790)0 c’+ -, c’+ c+ (verified with MC) Reflection from C(2790)+ c’0 + (verified with MC) c’0 c0 Mass(c+ -) C+ - ++ Mass(C0 +) C0 - + PDG’05: QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Charmed strange baryons
New charmed baryons : hep-ex/ cx(3077)+ cx(2980)+ wrong-sign c+ K+ - c+ K0s - QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Charmed strange baryons
hep-ex/ Search for cc (3520)+ c+ K- + (Selex)): p*(c+)>2.5 GeV , c+ events reconstructed N=8.3 ± 37.3 < 90% CL (cc(3520)+)Br(cc(3520)+c+K-+ ) / (c+ ) < @ 90% CL p*(c+)>2.5 GeV QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
Summary on charmed strange baryons
c0 , c+ and c(2645) mass measurements with a good precision Three new charmed stranged barons observed cx(3077)+ c+ K- + cx(2980)+ c+ K- + cx(3077)0 c+ KS0 - No evidence for cc (3520)+ c+ K- + QWG’06 BNL, June 2006 Henryk Palka INP PAS / Belle
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