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Chapter 12: Comparing Independent Means

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1 Chapter 12: Comparing Independent Means

2 In Chapter 12: 12.1 Paired and Independent Samples
12/3/2018 In Chapter 12: 12.1 Paired and Independent Samples 12.2 Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics 12.3 Inference About the Mean Difference 12.4 Equal Variance t Procedure (Optional) 12.5 Conditions for Inference 12.6 Sample Size and Power 12/3/2018 Basic Biostat

3 Types of Samples Single sample. One group; no concurrent control group
Paired samples. Two samples; data points uniquely matched Two independent samples. Two samples, separate (unrelated) groups. 12/3/2018

4 What Type of Sample? Measure vitamin content in loaves of bread and see if the average meets national standards Compare vitamin content of loaves immediately after baking versus content in same loaves 3 days later Compare vitamin content of bread immediately after baking versus loaves that have been on shelf for 3 days Answers: 1 = single sample 2 = paired samples 3 = independent samples 12/3/2018

5 Experimental vs. Observational Groups
Independent samples can Experimental –an intervention or treatment is assigned as part of the study protocol Non-experimental (observational) – groups defined by a innate characteristics or self-selected exposure “Two Groups” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c – 1569) 12/3/2018

6 Do means from these populations differ? If so, by how much?
Illustrative Data* * Data set WCGS.sav (p. 49) Type A personality men (n = 20) 233, 291, 312, 250, 246, 197, 268, 224, 239, 239, 254, 276, 234, 181, 248, 252, 202, 218, 212, 325 Type B personality men (n = 20) 344, 185, 263, 246, 224, 212, 188, 250, 148, 169, 226, 175, 242, 252, 153, 183, 137, 202, 194, 213 Do means from these populations differ? If so, by how much? 12/3/2018

7 Notation Statistics (sample) Group 1 n1 s1 Group 2 n2 s2
Parameters (population) Group 1 N1 µ1 σ1 Group 2 N2 µ2 σ2 12/3/2018

8 Illustrative Data Cholesterol levels (mg / dL)
Group n mean std dev 1 20 245.05 36.64 2 210.30 48.34 Type A men in the sample have higher average cholesterol by 35 mg/dL 12/3/2018

9 Standard Error To address this question, calculate the standard error of the mean difference: 12/3/2018

10 Degrees of Freedom Two ways to estimate degrees of freedom:
dfWelch [complex formula on p. 244 of text] dfconserv. = the smaller of (n1 – 1) or (n2 – 1) For the illustrative data: dfWelch = 35.4 (via SPSS) dfWelch = 35.4 (via SPSS) dfconserv. = smaller of (n1–1) or (n2 – 1) = 20 – 1 = 19 dfconserv. = smaller of (n1–1) or (n2 – 1) = 20 – 1 = 19 12/3/2018

11 (point estimate) ± (t)(SE)
(1 – α)100% CI for µ1–µ2 Note: (point estimate) ± (t)(SE) margin of error 12/3/2018

12 Comparison of CI Formulas
Type of sample Point estimate df for t* SE Single n – 1 Paired Independent smaller of n1−1 or n2−1 12/3/2018

13 Example 12/3/2018

14 Interpretation The CI interval aims for µ1 − µ2 with (1– α)100% confidence 12/3/2018

15 Hypothesis Test Test claim of “no difference in populations”
Note: widely different sample means can arise just by chance Null hypothesis: H0: μ1 – μ2 = 0 (equivalently H0: μ1 = μ2) Alternative hypothesis Ha: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0 (two-sided) OR Ha: μ1 – μ2 > 0 (“right-sided”) OR Ha: μ1 – μ2 < 0 (“left-sided”) 12/3/2018

16 Test Statistic dfWelch= 35.4 (via SPSS) dfconserv. = 19 12/3/2018

17 P-value via Table C tstat = 2.56 with 19 df
One-tailed P between .01 and .005 Two-tailed P between .02 and .01 (i.e., less than .02) .01 < P < .02 provides good evidence against H0  observed difference is statistically significant 12/3/2018

18 SPSS Response variable (chol) in one column
Explanatory variable (group) in a different column 12/3/2018

19 SPSS Output Equal Variance Not Assumed Preferred method (§12.3)
Equal variance t procedure (§12.4) Equal Variance Not Assumed Preferred method (§12.3) 12/3/2018

20 Summary of independent t test
H0: μ1 –μ2 = 0 C. P-value from Table C or computer (Interpret in usual fashion) 12/3/2018

21 Hypothesis Test with the CI
H0: μ1 – μ2 = 0 can be tested at α-level of significance with the (1 – α)100% CI Example: 95% CI for μ1 – μ2 = (6.4 to 63.1)  excludes μ1 – μ2 = 0  Significant difference at α = .05 12/3/2018

22 Hypothesis Test with the CI
99% CI for μ1 – μ2 is (-2.2 to 71.7), which includes μ1 – μ2 = 0  Not Significant at α = .01 12/3/2018

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