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BLDs Second Quarter.

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1 BLDs Second Quarter

2 BLD #1 Satire What is satire? Look up the definition.
Give one example from your life, tv, movies… Explain your answer.

3 BLD #2 Comedy List examples of things you find funny. Be specific.

4 BLD #3 Usage What is the difference between affect & effect?
Write one sentence for each.

I am (already, all ready) to go scuba diving. Fish in a school travel (all together, altogether). Lie down (a while, awhile) and rest. (Every one, everyone) of the players has to practice every day.

6 BLD #5 Irony Situational Irony – the difference between what one expects and what really happens Read the ballad on pages Explain the situational irony

7 BLD #6 Satire Daily Show What is this clip satirizing?
What is it making fun of? Which technique is being used? What is he trying to get you to do?

8 “Don’t Download This Song” "Weird Al" Yankovic Once in a while Maybe you will feel the urge. To break into national copyright law By downloading mp3s From file sharing sites Like morphous or grogster or limewire or kazza. But deep in your Heart. You know the guilt would drive you mad And the shame would leave a permanent scar Cause you start out stealing songs Then you're robbing liquor stores And selling Crack And running over school kids with your car [Chorus] So Don't Download This Song The record store is where you belong Go and buy the CD like you know that you should Oh Don't Download This Song Oh you don't want to mess With the R I Double A They'll sue you if you burn that Cdr. It doesn't matter if you're a grandma Or a seven year old girl They'll treat you like the evil Hard-bitten criminal scum you are

9 BLD #7 Summary A summary is a brief account giving the main points of something . Summarize the Induction in four sentences.

10 BLD #8 Stock Characters Stock characters are recognizable stereotypes. They have little to no character development. Name one stock character from Act I and explain how Shakespeare uses that character.

11 Explain the difference between Its It’s
BLD #9 Usage Explain the difference between Its It’s Use them both correctly in a sentence.

12 BLD # Aside Aside - Words spoken by a character directly to the audience or another character but not overheard by others on stage Quote one aside and explain how Shakespeare is using it.

13 BLD #11 Quote Petruchio: But for my bonny Kate, she must with me.
Nay, look not big, nor stamp, nor stare, nor fret; I will be master of what is mine own. She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, My household stuff, my field, my barn, My horse, my ox, my ass, my anything, And here she stands. ( ) Name the speaker. Explain the context of the quote (what is happening when the quote is stated). What is this quote saying? Significance of the quote to the overall play.

14 BLD # Disguise Shakespeare uses the device of disguise and recognition on many levels in this play, from characters pretending to be someone else, to characters pretending not to know someone, to characters appearing to be something they actually are not. Pick one example and explain it. Ultimately, what all is Shakespeare “doing” with this device?

15 BLD # Persuasive Do men like Petruchio still exist today? Explain. Write ½ page; graded on development of ideas.

16 BLD #14 Comparison Would you rather have a love like Bianca and Lucentio or like Kate and Petruchio? List the plusses and minuses (at least 4) of each. Bianca & Lucentio Kate & Petruchio Positive 1. 2. Negative 5. 6.

17 BLD #15 Brainstorming List 10 things you are most excited about the upcoming Break.

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