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Ant and the Three Little Figs

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1 Ant and the Three Little Figs
Word Knowledge Ant and the Three Little Figs Open Court Anthology Grade 2

2 Long Ee ea e ee

3 Hood’s Foot (in disguise)
oo as in look

4 Word Knowledge 1. be gan se cret may be be lieve
2. eas y read leav ing lean ed 3. peek need cheek bee 4. book wood hook stood 5. blink plus glad plum

5 1. I had a dream about three little pigs.
2. The frog jumped into the brook. 3. Jack was glad to have a plum.

6 Word Knowledge 1. began secret maybe believe
2. easy read leaving leaned 3. peek need cheek bee 4. book wood hook stood 5. blink plus glad plum

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