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Who is the lady talking at the front of the room?
Ms. Mueller I teach Anatomy & Physiology, I2HS, CLC Office: Room 157 Phone #: address: Take out phones and put me as a contact
What will I learn this semester? (I2HS)
You will learn: What “health care” really means What types of jobs you can get in the healthcare field How to get those jobs The current controversies in the healthcare field Where healthcare is headed
What will I learn this semester? (A/P)
You will learn: About the human body! (Who wouldda thought?) What it looks like How it works How the different organs and systems work together to allow you to live
What do I need for this class?
3-ring binder (at least 1 inch that will be used only for this class) Loose-leaf paper Dividers You can buy these or make them out of construction paper and sticky notes Writing utensils THESE MATERIALS SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO CLASS EVERY DAY
When do I need these materials?
Monday Monday Monday! If you cannot get these by Monday, come talk to me!
What are the classroom rules?
#1: Be respectful Of classmates, teachers, property, etc DO get to know one another DO keep an open mind DO take care of your textbook, work area, classroom, etc DO be quiet when someone else is speaking Including teacher and classmates DO NOT talk during lectures/instruction/etc No writing on desk, no talking when another is talking, raise hands unless asked for unison answer There will be sensitive issues discussed and so it is important to be respectful of other people’s life experiences and beliefs
What are the classroom rules?
#2: Come prepared Each day, please bring Writing utensils Your binder for this class Paper If you forget these materials and need to go to your locker, ask permission and I will let you go. However, I will mark you tardy. After 5 tardies I will issue a detention. Before the bell rings, you should: Be in your assigned seat Have out the proper materials Be copying down the COLORA (more on this later....) Not in seat? TARDY
What are the classroom rules?
#3: Help each other
What are the classroom rules?
#4: Put a heading on ALL papers in the upper RIGHT corner Name Date Period Failure to do so will result in a 5% deduction on the assignment you turned in
What are the classroom rules?
#5: All assignments are due when the bell rings to the turn in basket This basket is located ____________ I will collect these assignments immediately Stragglers have a 5% deduction right off the bat Again, you guys are young adults. You are on the brink of being independent. Grown ups get things done on time. If I am late on my rent check or other bills, there are consequences. You can expect the same.
What are the classroom rules?
#6: Use class time wisely The more you do in class, the less homework you will get The less HW you get, the less of a chance of negative consequences for not doing it Stay on task I understand humans are social creatures and during work time, I don’t mind if you talk AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL BEING PRODUCTIVE You may talk during work time (I will say when) as long as it is at a reasonable volume DO NOT pack up early The bell does not dismiss you--I do. Grown ups know how to manage their time. I assume you all can handle it. Don’t make me insult your age by instituting the quiet game. Not packing up early is my expectation (DO NOT SAY PET PEEVE!!)
What are some guidelines I should follow?
#7 NO ELECTRONICS I don’t want to see them. Period. If I do happen to catch you with one, I will give you ONE warning and then it is mine for the rest of the day.
What do I do when I show up?
As soon as the bell rings, you should be in your assigned seat On your desk: Binder Writing utensil COLORA sheet On the overhead there will be the daily COLORA
What the heck is a COLORA?
Content Objective and Learning Objective What should you be able to do today? Reminders Upcoming due dates, test dates, etc Agenda This should be recorded on a sheet of computer paper, folded into 4 squares, on each day class meets It will be collected after 2 weeks for completeness Worth 8 points, 1 point/day (EASY POINTS!) There should be NO blank squares; you MUST fill out your COLORA for the days you were absent
Example COLORA CO LO R A Name: Period: Model this for the day
What do I do if I am absent?
Option 1: Class Site Option 2: Absent File A corresponding file separated by day and class containing COLORA, handouts, PowerPoint slides, etc Ppt slides stay in the absent folder! There will be things with your name on them, waiting for you to pick them up Option 3: Intervention Time Come see me during the built-in intervention time Wednesdays and Thursdays (Room 157)
What do I do if I am absent?
Regardless of the option you choose, you MUST: Pick up your missing assignments (unless you printed them off yourself) Record the COLORA on your COLORA sheet You have ONE day to pick up your work and TWO days to turn it in to me for each day you missed Turn it in to the absent file Excused? Full credit. Unexcused? 50% maximum. Talk about un/excused
How will I be graded? Grades are as follows:
Your grades will consist of daily COLORAs, tests, quizzes, and assignments. SCIENCE GRADING POLICY A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60%-69% F <59%
How will I be graded in Anatomy?
40% tests 30% labs/projects 10% quizzes 20% assignments If you get less than a 69% on an exam, you may retake the exam for a maximum score of 70%
How will I be graded in I2HS?
There will be no weighted grades The points you earn are the points you get!
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