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March 31st – April 1st Guy Roberson
Youth Lectureship 2017 March 31st – April 1st Guy Roberson Friday 7 PM: “If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach” Saturday 11 AM: “Decisions Determine Destiny” (break) 1:30 PM: Singing 2:30 PM: “Learning How to Apply God’s Word to Decisions” These lessons will edify hearers of any age. Let’s ALL come and invite someone!
And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever: For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, "What have You done?“ Daniel 4:34-35, NKJ
The Commitment of Jesus
Jesus’ Commitment As--
1. Prophet Acts 3:22 (to speak) He spoke. . . Jn. 14:6; Mk. 12:37; Mt. 24:35 Evidence of His commitment I. of a prophet---to speak the truth A. Acts 3:22 Jesus came to speak (def of prophet; Mk. 1:38; Lk. 4:43) B. He spoke-- 1. truth Jn. 14:6 2. in a way that could be understood by all Mk. 12:37 (1 Cor. 1:21) 3. words that will not pass away Mt. 24:35 not lost, change C. His commitment to the work of a prophet is seen in 1. His being called “The Word” (Jn. 1:1) 2. Matt-John emphasize His words and the evidence for believing His words (Lk. 1:4; Jn. 20:30-31) 3. His strategy (eternal purpose, fulness of time) to spread His knowledge a. instead of doing all the speaking Himself, Jesus spent 3+ yrs making preparations for others to spread it b. Jesus could not teach every individual world-wide so He appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors to prepare all saints to do this---a world-wide group of teachers! (Acts 8:4) c. His whole earthly work was clearly one step of a perfect plan for spreading words d. Even after He left, the coordination of Passover (His death, resurrection, etc signs) and Pentecost (reassembled the Jews 50 days later) shows His plan began long before He came. D. Jesus is still committed to this message—what about you? 1. how do you daily respond to God’s words sitting in your house? 2. Whose words are you putting into your children’s minds regularly (when you rise up...)?
Jesus’ Commitment As--
2. Priest (holiness and worship) Emphasized in Hebrews - holiness Heb. 7:26-27; Mt. 23:1-3, true worship Heb. 10:19, 22; Jn. 4:22 II. of a priest (purity and worship) A. The commitment of a priest was emphasizing holiness (pure, clean) and leading in pure worship - The OT teaches this connection in Leviticus and in the history of the priesthood (Aaron, N&A) B. The priesthood of Jesus is emphasized in Hebrews, where we see His commitment as priest 1. holiness Heb. 7:26-27 a. His holiness qualifies Him to be our Lamb, Mediator, and priest b. His commitment to holiness seen in Mt. 23:1-3, 25-26 i. when his holiness is ignored He spoke about and to the guilty ii. reminding all that He expects inward and outward holiness (not just the holiness others can see) 2. pure worship Heb. 10:19, 22 a. What does it mean to enter the holiest (God’s presence) and draw near? Worship (hence warning of v25) b. What did He do so we can enter..., draw near? opened the veil by... (v19) + became our high Priest (v21) c. His commitment to pure worship is seen in His words with the Samaritan woman—Jn. 4:22 i. How many people today would be surprised to know that Jesus answered her question by saying “The worship of your people and fathers is based on ignorance”? ii. How many people today are ignorant that Peter never heard of, much less, observed Lent or Easter? iii. Are they ignorant b/c, unlike our Lord, we are not laying the groundwork to be able to inform them? C. How committed are you to holiness and pure worship—what kind of a priest are you? I? 1. Are you entertained by filthiness, foolish talk, coarse jesting which is not fitting for saints? 2. Others can easily judge some degree of your commitment to pure worship---but there is a part of worship only God sees, what has He seen today?
Perfect law of liberty Jam. 1:25
Jesus’ Commitment As-- 3. King (selfless use of authority) Seen in His law Perfect law of liberty Jam. 1:25 For all nations Mt. 28:18-19 III. of a king (selfless use of authority) A. Whether village chief, mayor, president, or king—what people want is someone who is committed to the proper use of authority. B. Jesus is committed to this 1. establish a just law Js. 1:25 2. let all know of this law Mt. 28:18-19 3. consistency, not games/favoritism Acts 10:34 (Jn. 8:7; Deut. 17:7 Jesus reminded them of the law, not an exception) 4. benefit everyone Mt. 20: any group with leaders like this benefits all who participate C. His commitment to the proper use of authority is seen in the qualifications of overseers (bishops) 1. Based on proven character and known conduct 1 Tim. 3:1-4a a. Not based on social status, income, race, personal/family connections, approval of outside overseers... b. it is often easy (or essential) to advance in spite of your conduct, character (business, politic, man-made religion) 2. The expectation that they maintain the character, conduct which originally qualified them (1 Tim. 5:19-20) 3. The same point can be seen in every passage where God gives one human authority over another (husband-wife, parent-children, master-servant, government-citizen). D. Am I committed to the king’s plan for authority to be given to men with proven character and conduct? 1. He desires that qualified men selflessly use authority, but someone has to share the king’s desire. 2. This was among the things we said we should think about this year (congregational mtg)—are we? you? 3. Jesus is committed to us as king---to whom am I most committed? Consistent Acts 10:34 Benefits all Mt. 20:24-28
Jesus’ Commitment As--
3. King (selfless use of authority) Seen in His law Seen in those to whom He gives authority 1 Tim. 3:1-4 III. of a king (selfless use of authority) A. Whether village chief, mayor, president, or king—what people want is someone who is committed to the proper use of authority. B. Jesus is committed to this 1. establish a just law Js. 1:25 2. let all know of this law Mt. 28:18-19 3. consistency, not games/favoritism Acts 10:34 (Jn. 8:7; Deut. 17:7 Jesus reminded them of the law, not an exception) 4. benefit everyone Mt. 20: any group with leaders like this benefits all who participate C. His commitment to the proper use of authority is seen in the qualifications of overseers (bishops) 1. Based on proven character and known conduct 1 Tim. 3:1-4a a. Not based on social status, income, race, personal/family connections, approval of outside overseers... b. it is often easy (or essential) to advance in spite of your conduct, character (business, politic, man-made religion) 2. The expectation that they maintain the character, conduct which originally qualified them (1 Tim. 5:19-20) 3. The same point can be seen in every passage where God gives one human authority over another (husband-wife, parent-children, master-servant, government-citizen). D. Am I committed to the king’s plan for authority to be given to men with proven character and conduct? 1. He desires that qualified men selflessly use authority, but someone has to share the king’s desire. 2. This was among the things we said we should think about this year (congregational mtg)—are we? you? 3. Jesus is committed to us as king---to whom am I most committed?
The Commitment of Jesus
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