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Module 8 Sports life Unit 3 Language in use.

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1 Module 8 Sports life Unit 3 Language in use

2 Word puzzle Activity 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in the box. 1.What ________ do the sportspersons use to prepare for the Olympic Games? 2.They chose Daming for the team, and this was a good ________. 3.We waited in our _____ for the ____ to start at noon. 4.Her parents take great ______ in her when they see the Olympic gold medal round her neck. 5.Liu Xiang won a gold medal at the ______ Games. 6.His great ______ in running helped him win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. methods decision seats race pride Asian ability

3 Feedback Read the sentences.
But Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time. He was invited to competitions around the world. Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump. His races were recorded, and he was compared with the world’s best sports stars.

4 I cleaned the room yesterday. The room was cleaned yesterday.
Feedback 名称 一般过去时 主动语态 被动语态 例句 I cleaned the room yesterday. The room was cleaned yesterday. 肯定句 结构 did was/ were + done

5 Activity 5 Choose the correct answer.
1. The basketball player _______ by his coach to train every day. A. was compared B. advised C. compared D. was advised 2. The team played well, but they did not _______ the competition. A. score B. do C. win D. be successful 3. Mr Li _______ to work for the new computer company. A. was noticed B. was chosen C. set up D. held 4. UN _______ the United Nations. A. makes B. spells C. stands for D. looks like 5. Our team lost! We _______ by the other team. A. noticed B. were beaten C. won D. were encouraged

6 Activity 2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the brackets.
Millions of people across the world (1) ___________ (watch) the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The excellent results at the Games were the products of many years of hard work. Young Olympic players (2) _____________(train) by their coaches. Their training (3) ____________ (record) and (4) _____________(compare) with those of the world’s best players. The information (5) _____________(use) to make training methods better. Hard training and proper methods helped many players become successful at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. watched were trained was recorded (was) compared was used

7 Activity 1 Complete the conversation with the correct
form of the words in the box. Lingling: Let’s answer these questions about sport in the school magazine. Are you ready? Betty: Sure, I love sports. Go on, ask me the first question. Lingling: Where (1) _______ the Olympic games _______ in 2008? Betty: That’s too easy! They (2) ___________ in Beijing. Lingling: And how many gold medals (3) _______ China _______ at the Beijing Olympics? Betty: Oh, I know. Fifty… no, fifty-one gold medals (4)____________ by China at the Beijing Olympics. Lingling: Correct. Next, what competition (5) _______Liu Xiang _______ at the 2004 Olympic Games? Betty: Was it the hurdles? Lingling: Well done! Yes, it was. And one more question. Who (6) ___________ for the school basketball team last week? Betty: Ha ha! I don’t know. Let’s go and find out! were held were held did win were won did win was chosen

8 Activity 3 Look at the pictures and tell the story with the help of the words and expressions under the picture. Pairwork An Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri, entered the stadium and took a wrong turn during the race. He fell down. an Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri/ enter the stadium/ take/ wrong turn during the race/ he/ fall down

9 He was treated by a doctor and he was helped across the finishing line.

10 He/ give/ first place/ the American, Johnny Hayes / give/ second place
At first, he was given first place, and the American, Johnny Hayes was given second place. At first, he was given first place, and the American, Johnny Hayes was given second place. At first, he was given first place, and the American, Johnny Hayes was given second place.

11 after a discussion, the American, Johnny Hayes/ give/ first place
But after a discussion, the American runner was given first place.

12 quiz 完成句子。 1. 这些花每天都被浇水。 These flowers ____________ every day.
2. 作业在今早就被做完了。 The homework ___________________ this morning. 3. 去年很多树被砍。 Many trees __________ last year. 4. 这些书被数百万的人阅读吗? ______these books _______ by millions of people. 5. 昨天你的书被带回家了吗? ______ your book _______ home yesterday? 6. 这条消息被记录了下来。 The news _____________. 7. 世界纪录被打破了。 The world record _____________. are watered was finished/ done were cut Are read Was taken was recorded was broken

13 Homework 1. Do exercises of Unit 3 in Chaoyang Mubiao.
2. Do a class sports survey to find out about the sports that your classmates like to watch and to do.


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