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Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey

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1 Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey
Team RAPTORS Joe Trefilek Jeff Kubascik Paul Scheffler Matt Rockey

2 Project-Specific Success Criteria
An ability to wirelessly transmit and receive packet data. An ability to relay aircraft position and orientation utilizing inertial and navigational sensors. An ability to capture images and relay them serially to the ground station. An ability to control the aircraft servo motors via a microcontroller interface. An ability to amplify an RF signal to 1 watt PEP of transmission power. 12/3/2018 Team RAPTORS

3 Block Diagram 12/3/2018 Team RAPTORS

4 Primary Constraints Power Consumption Payload Weight
~90% consumed by aircraft propulsion In-flight systems’ consumption inconsequential Payload Weight Balanced Limit of 4.5 lbs Interfacing Constraints Simplicity Availability of on-chip peripherals 12/3/2018 Team RAPTORS

5 Microcontroller Selection
Microchip PIC24FJ256GB106 Atmel ATmega640 Extensive development experience Excellent debugging support Meets peripheral requirements 64 pin TQFP Little previous experience Preliminary documentation only Meets peripheral requirements 100 pin TQFP 12/3/2018 Team RAPTORS

6 RF Transceiver Selection
Texas Instruments CC1101 Nordic Semi nRF24L01 Date rate up to 500 kbps Amateur band: MHz Greater propagation distance Must comply with Part 97 of FCC Regulations Maximum power transmission 1W PEP (Section ) Amateur radio operator license required Data rate up to 2 Mbps ISM band: 2.4GHz Reduced propagation distance Must comply with Part 15 of FCC Regulations Maximum power transmission 1W broad spectrum (>75 channels) Band congestion (Wifi, Bluetooth) 12/3/2018 Team RAPTORS

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