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October A date to remember

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1 October 31 2017 A date to remember
Luther’s Reformation Light Horse Breakthrough Luther painting by Cranach at the Wittenberg Museum – Light Horse Troop - Balfour Declaration

2 Luther – 95 Theses Wittenberg Germany, 1517
Beginning of the Protestant Reformation Luther hammering 95 theses into door at Wittenberg

3 Luther’s legacy Luther rediscovered from the Bible that a person could be only be saved from their sin by putting their trust in the person of Jesus and what He did on the cross, not by their own works or through a church or institution.

4 4th Light Horse at Beersheba
Australian War Memorial 4th Light Horse at Beersheba

5 Charge of the Light Horse
Disputed picture of the charge at Beersheba (or re-enactment) – Australian War memorial It was probably taken when two regiments of the 4th Brigade, Australian Light Horse, re-enacted the charge for the official photographer Frank Hurley, at Belah on 7 February 1918.

6 Jumping the trenches Jumping the trenches – from a photograph at an exhibition in Beersheba in 2012

7 Wells at Beersheba Watering the Horses at Beersheba - from a photograph at an exhibition in Beersheba in 2012

8 Lord Balfour Foreign Secretary in British Prime Minister David Lloyd George’s coalition Arthur Balfour

9 Balfour Declaration His Majesty’s Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people Balfour declaration

10 Jews return home Jews return home from Buchenwald

11 Israel becomes a nation again
Independence Hall Tel Aviv – J. Curry

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