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Ch. 15 Production Environment Field & Computer Generated

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1 Ch. 15 Production Environment Field & Computer Generated

2 Key Terms Big Remote - A production outside the studio to televise live and or record live on tape a large scheduled event that has not been staged specifically for television. Contact Person- A person who is familiar with, and who can facilitate access to the remote location and key people.

3 Key Terms Continued EFP/ENG- Electronic Field Production/ Electronic News Gathering. Field Production- Production activities that take place away from the studio. Remote Survey- An inspection of the remote location by key production and engineering personal so that they can plan for set-up and use of equipment. Remote Truck- The Vehicle that caries the control room, audio control, video record section and transmission equipment.

4 Key Terms Continued Synthetic Environment- Electronically generated settings, either through chroma-key or computer. Uplink Truck- Truck that sends video and audio signals to a satellite. Virtual Reality- Computer- simulated environmental with which the user can interact and that can change to the preprogrammed extent.



7 Outdoor Location Sketch

8 News Truck


10 Control Room

11 Chroma Key

12 Synthetic Environment


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