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Unit Two Week 5: Making a Noun Plural.

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1 Unit Two Week 5: Making a Noun Plural

2 Objectives Explain how to make a noun plural
Introduce students to Latin suffix –tion Introduce new vocabulary/spelling words


4 “I can’t help but be anxious about the big test tomorrow”
Afraid or nervous especially about what may happen. “I can’t help but be anxious about the big test tomorrow”

5 au/di/ence A group of people who gather together to listen to or watch something. “Our audience will be amazed by our song for the talent show”

6 “I am aware of everything that happens in my classroom”
Feeling, experiencing, or noticing something. “I am aware of everything that happens in my classroom”

7 “The most I’ve paid for a bicycle is one hundred dollars”
A 2-wheeled vehicle that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals. “The most I’ve paid for a bicycle is one hundred dollars”

8 “My mom hates to burden others with her problems”
Something that is carried. This could be either a physical, mental or emotional load. “My mom hates to burden others with her problems”

9 “Move that cannon into position before our enemies arrive”
A large gun that shoots heavy metal or stone balls and was once a common military weapon. “Move that cannon into position before our enemies arrive”

10 ch/oo/se “I will chose the best candidate when I vote”
To decide that particular person or thing is the one that you want. “I will chose the best candidate when I vote”

11 civ/ic “It is our civic duty to volunteer”
Relating to citizenship or being a citizen. “It is our civic duty to volunteer”

12 ex/pen/sive “This shirt is much to expensive”
Involving a high cost or sacrifice. “This shirt is much to expensive”

13 gr/udg/ing/ly “Some students grudgingly do their homework”
To do or give something unwillingly or with reservations. “Some students grudgingly do their homework”

14 mus/cu/lar “Most bodybuilders are muscular and fit”
Having large or strong muscles “Most bodybuilders are muscular and fit”

15 re/sear/ch “The new grant money will further our research”
Careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something. “The new grant money will further our research”

16 rum/bl/ing A low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds.
“The thunder made a low rumbling noise”

17 tr/udg/ed To walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard. “Alexus trudged through the mud puddles walking to the bus stop”

18 tim/id/ly “The puppy timidly approached the little child”
Feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence. “The puppy timidly approached the little child”

19 Latin Suffix -tion This Latin suffix means a “condition of being” For example starvation is the condition of starvation. Observation is the state of observing/looking

20 Singular and Plural Nouns (continued)
A singular noun names a person, place or thing A plural noun names more than one person place or thing In order to make most nouns plural you add an s to end of the word, however, this is not always true and there are exceptions to this rule.

21 Singular and Plural Nouns (exceptions)
With nouns ending in ch, sh, s or x to make them plural you add the letters es. For example church becomes churches. With nouns ending in a consonant and y, change the y to i and add the letters es. For example party becomes parties. With nouns ending in a vowel and y add an s to make plural. For example toy becomes toys.

22 Types of Sentences There are four types of sentences we will learn about this week. Declarative sentences always end in a period. Interrogative sentences always end in a question mark? Imperative sentences can end in either a period. Or an exclamation mark ! Depending on the statement and the force in which it is said. Exclamatory sentences (ends in an exclamation point !)

23 Vocabulary Group Work with Unit 2 Student will complete their vocabulary sentences, word find and word scramble. Then work in flash cards. Students will be responsible for both lists of words on the unit test

24 Computer Group Students will complete the Brainpop assignment “Types of Sentences” and work on their Language Arts Journals.

25 Small Group/Book Group
Students will read silently chapters 3 and 4 in “Memoirs from the Principles Desk” Once this is done we will go over the previous weeks bell ringers and students may work on their singular/plural noun work sheets. Students who do not complete this in class will have this as homework.

26 Homework Students will complete any work not finished in class as homework. In addition students should go to and interact with both lists of spelling words for this unit. Student should spend at least two hours each week reviewing/learning vocabulary words and identifying the many different types of nouns we have discussed such as abstract, concrete, proper, common and introduced this week plural and singular

27 That is it folks! Let's get to work!

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