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Primary Longman Elect 3B Chapter 4 Simple past tense (1)

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1 Primary Longman Elect 3B Chapter 4 Simple past tense (1)

2 Simple past tense: regular verbs
Last Sat Last Sun Mon / Yesterday Tue / Today 3 p.m. What did you do yesterday? I painted a picture.

3 Simple past tense: regular verbs
Last Sat Last Sun Mon / Yesterday Tue / Today 9 p.m. What did you do last night? I studied for the English test.

4 Simple past tense: regular verbs
Last Sat Last Sun Mon / Yesterday Tue / Today What did you do at the weekend? I chatted with my friends.

5 Simple past tense: regular verbs
We use the simple past tense to talk about actions in the past. e.g. I painted a picture yesterday. I studied for the English test last night. I chatted with my friends at the weekend. We usually add ed to the action words. e.g. listened listen looked look painted paint played play

6 Simple past tense: regular verbs
We double the last letter when the action words are one syllable and end in 1 vowel + 1 consonant. e.g. chatted chat clapped clap skipped skip We change the letter y into ied when the action words end in 1 consonant + y. e.g. dry dried tidied tidy studied study

7 Key structure yesterday? What did you do last night? at the weekend?
This means yesterday night. What did you do last night? Don’t change the action words in did questions. at the weekend? This means last weekend. Use the simple past tense when you see these words. I played games with my parents.

8 Practice Choose the correct past tense ending. paint  painted painted
paintted paintied paint  painted

9 Practice Choose the correct past tense ending. study  studied studyed
studded studied study  studied

10 Practice Choose the correct past tense ending. tidy  tidied tidyed
tidded tidy  tidied

11 Practice Put the words in the correct order to make a question.
do did What he yesterday? What did he do yesterday?

12 Practice Put the words in the correct order to make a question.
at do weekend? What did she What did she do at the weekend?

13 Practice Give the correct answer. What did you do at the weekend?
I painted a picture.

14 Practice Give the correct answer. What did you do yesterday?
I chatted with my friend.

15 Practice Give the correct answer. What did you do yesterday?
I tidied my room.

16 The End

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