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School Board Finance Committee Presentation 6/20/16

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1 School Board Finance Committee Presentation 6/20/16

2 Core Programs and Strategies
Out of School Time and Summer Learning Programming Family Care Coordination & Assistance Two Generational Family Literacy and Leadership Classes Family Engagement Outreach Coordination of Community Partnerships

3 Full Service Community School Goals
Improve participant literacy Improve health and well-being Decrease absenteeism Improve school climate

4 Improving Participant Literacy
FSRI Dorcas International Strategy: 134 parents and caregivers invested 19,165 participant hours in Family Literacy and Leadership programming, engaging in school-based ESOL classes 3 days per week, bi-weekly Family Mentoring, 11 Family Service Learning projects, 31 Parent Education workshops, and weekly Parent and Child Together Time (PACT) literacy activities. Outcomes: 47% of parents and caregivers increased at least one Educational Functioning Level (approximately 4 reading levels). 82% of Family Literacy and Leadership parents and caregivers improved their score on at least three domains of the Parent Education Profile (PEP) assessment, subscale III, “Parent’s Role in Supporting Child’s Learning in Formal Education.” YMCA Out of School Time Strategy: Provide targeted Reading Intervention Programs conducted by PPSD teachers to support student literacy Outcomes: 138 FSCS students completed 2 hours per week of direct Reading Intervention in OST for a total average of 230 hours across the school year As of Q3, 64% of students are on track to meet of exceed projected growth in STARS scores

5 Improving Health & Well-being
Family Service RI Strategy: Provide on-going care coordination for 86 families, including 33 families who engaged with mental health or Wraparound services, 21 who received support navigating special education, and 6 who received support around serious medical conditions Outcomes: Of 57 families engaged for three months or more, all improved at least one domain of the North Carolina Family Assessment Scale (NC-FAS) Results from anonymous client feedback survey of 22 parent participants include: 85% agreed “The services I receive have given me a sense of overall wellness” and 75% agreed “Since being in this program, my mental health has improved.” YMCA Out of School Time Strategy: Provide minimum 5 hours of structured rigorous physical activity per week; provide daily healthy snack option 5 days per week; serve family-style dinner 2 nights per week Students completed 120 hours of physical activity this year 18,330 daily healthy snacks served 96 family dinners served

6 Decreasing Absenteeism
Family Service RI Strategies: Actively participate in attendance team, outreaching to 22 families on attendance caseload; creating Here Everyday On Time program to address chronic absence of 54 Bailey students Outcomes: Official district data is still pending, but we anticipate school-wide improvements 16 students in HEROS program came to school every day in May YMCA Out of School Time Strategies: Offer wraparound programming for working families before and after school; offer engaging project-based enrichment programming to incentivize student attendance and retention Participation- 251 students participated in OST programs; 1,305 students and families engaged in at least 1 FSCS component 2,184 OST program hours were offered to students, with and average of 360 minutes of enrichment classes offered per week 77% of OST participants maintained or increased their school attendance rate as of quarter three

7 Improving School Climate
Family Service RI Strategies: Support families with one-time or on-going assistance accessing services, opportunities, and resources; Collaborate on family engagement strategies Outcome: We anticipate results of school culture and climate survey will indicate improved access to resources YMCA Out Of School Time Strategies: Foster a culture of welcoming for parents and caregivers in schools; Create positive relationships with school personnel through targeted communication and appreciation events Outcomes: 54 parents or caregivers participated in PTO, school-based committees, or parent advisory council 147 parents or caregivers participated in 3 or more engagement opportunities Significant increase in teacher/staff referrals for FSCS services as a result of relationship building

8 What Was About? New leadership at YMCA, Family Service, and PPSD Improved collaboration and teamwork within and across sites Reconnecting with principals, teachers, wellness team Stronger accountability and reporting on outcomes Contributing to social emotional support through active participation in attendance and wellness teams Improved parent engagement opportunities across sites Engaging in strategic planning for

9 What’s Next for ? Aligning the initiative with district-wide priorities including: Support for English Language Learners Family Engagement Retention in out of school time and summer programming Improving school attendance Social-Emotional learning and support Health and Wellness Assessment – updating tools and tracking

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