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Creating Integer Stories

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1 Creating Integer Stories
Mini-Project Student Name: (Delete this and put your name here)

2 Here is what you will do…..
Integer Stories – Mini Project/Compacted 6plus/7plus Math Here is what you will do….. 1. Create a story for one of the following integral expressions. Create your story on this power-point presentation. Add some narration and visuals to your story. Be creative and detailed. You must include a diagram that “maps out” the parts of the expression and their relationship to the story. 20 + -(10) + -(4) -15 + (2x8) + -(6) (20) + -(12) 2. Now create your own original story again, (you might want to use the one you created on your quiz), because this time you will create the story first and then the expression that goes with the story. Again, be creative and detailed. Add some narration and visuals to your story. Put the expression that describes the story on the last slide and explain why the expression works for your story. Criteria 1 = 16 points 2 = 19 points 3 = 22 points 4 = 25 points Task Commitment Resistant/incomplete Effort is incomplete or not adequate for the task. Appropriate effort, successful Extensive commitment. Rigorous effort in independent manner. Complexity and thought shown in Created Math Stories Too simple or not appropriate. Simple stories created. Work to show deeper understanding and application of ideas. Satisfactory details in stories showing understanding of math application. Stories show variety and thought. Beyond expected level. Very complete and detailed stories showing deep understanding of math concepts being used. Here is your rubric for scoring. Each story is worth 50 points.

3 Here’s a bit of an example to get you going….
This is only my planning stage… Integral expression: (3 + 4) Planning…. Well, I am thinking that my story could revolve around taking a bike trip. I could have a bike tour that I sign up for and I find out that the tour is going to have 8 groups with each group having 3 girls and 4 guys. If I re-arranged the expression and put the -2 at the end, my story could involve 2 people that got exhausted on the 2nd day of the tour and dropped out. I could diagram the groups and make kind of a “web” to illustrate this….. Plus…I’ll want to add some pictures as well.

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