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Are you eating healthy?.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you eating healthy?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you eating healthy?

2 Step 1 – Keep a journal Record your eating habits throughout the day
- List down the food you eat during breakfast, lunch and dinner (or snacks too)

3 Step 2 – Calculate the calories
From your journal and the listed calories intake, calculate the total calories you intake during the day.

4 Step 3 – Check & Compare After having your total calories checked, compare the total intake of calories you have to the “needed” calories intake in a day. You may go on some websites that provided “calories check” to do this or any course that can help you.

5 Step 4 – Reflect Reflect on your eating habits and analyze whether you are eating healthy or not. Base on the results of the calories calculation.

6 Step 5 – Form yourselves into groups of 3/4
Choose one of the following categories for your presentation: - Proteins - Carbohydrates - Fats - Vitamins - Minerals

7 Step 6 – Do research Do some research on the effects of the nutrition you chose. Look at books or resources online.

8 Step 7 - Presentation Present your findings to the class as a group.

9 Step 8 – Write a short summary
Write down a short summary of how to eat healthy based on your research and findings. Reflect on what you have learned.

10 Happy eating!

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