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Ch 5-4 The Minor Parties Tree Map.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 5-4 The Minor Parties Tree Map."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 5-4 The Minor Parties Tree Map


3 Ideological Parties Based on a particular set of beliefs (social, economic or political) Have been long-lived but have never won many votes Communist party, Socialist party, Libertarian party

4 Single-Issue Parties Concentrate on only one public policy matter
Have been short-lived either fade away or ideas absorbed by major parties Right to life party, Free Soil party

5 Economic Protest Parties
Rooted in periods of discontent Often have been sectional parties Fade away when economy improves Greenback party, Populist party

6 Splinter Parties Split away from one of the major parties
Often form around strong personalities & fade away when leaders step aside Bull Moose party, Progressive party.


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