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Presentation on theme: "TUBERCULOSIS SURVEILLENCE KENYA"— Presentation transcript:

AFRICAN TB SURVEILENCE WORKSHOP, HARARE:ZIMBABWE Presented by: Amos Kutwa Head National Leprosy &Tuberculosis Program Kenya

2 Outline of the Presentation:
Introduction Case finding report Case holding Constraints 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

3 Introduction Pop: App 32 million people TB control: MoH/ NGOs/ Private
Central unit within NLTP/ NASCOP Division 10 Regional control zones/74 District zones manned by Technical officers TB-ICC since 2002: USAID,CDC,WHO, KNCV, WB,CIDA,KAPTLD 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

4 Health units implementing NLTP activities
GOK NGO Private Total Hospitals 129 67 15 211 Health Centers 467 53 12 532 Dispensaries 550 73 7 630 Others 8 24 32 1146 201 58 1405 Laboratories 528 150 42 720 AFB microscopy 381 126 35 542 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

5 TB Case finding report 2002 TB case finding: 82,114 all types 34,337 PTB + 7-fold increase since early nineties Average annual increase (5 yrs): 16% 50-55% of estimated incidence 40 % HIV + in SM+ (1994) 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

6 2002 Notification rates in Kenya
12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

7 Case Notification Rates Smear positive PTB and all Types TB Kenya 1990-2002
12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

8 Trend of case detection rates (WHO reports)
12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

9 Distribution of TB cases by type: 2002
12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

10 Age -sex Segregation:2002 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

11 Trend of Treatment outcomes of New Smear Positive PTB on SCC :1993-2001
12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

12 SCC Treatment results 2001 cohort
Sm.+PTB Sm.-PTB EPTB Relapse Rx success rate 80% 74% 74% 77% Failure rate 0.3% % Death rate % 7% 7% 10% Defaulter rate % 12% % % Transfer % 7% % 6% 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

13 Nomadic Treatment results 2001 cohort
Sm.+PTB Sm.-PTB EPTB Relapse Rx success rate 89% 87% % % Failure rate 1% % Death rate 4% 6% % % Defaulter rate 4% 5% % % Transfer 2% 2% % % 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003

14 Constraints to Surveillance
Manual data entry at facility/district level Lack of capacity to analyze data at district level Lack of capacity to determine the TB prevalence 12/3/2018 Kutwa2003


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