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Unit 1: Growth of & Challenges to American Ideals & Manifest Destiny

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1 Unit 1: Growth of & Challenges to American Ideals & Manifest Destiny
Changes in Young Nation

2 Early United States Economy (1783 – mid 1800s)
What was the U.S. economy primarily driven by? Agriculture Big industry was still in the beginning stages First factories not until 1814 w/ Lowell’s cotton mill First American factory not until 1793 w/ Slater’s cotton mill in Rhode Island

3 Early Politics Who was the first president of the U.S.?
1789  George Washington His first actions Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 (PA) sent militia in to stop uprising (clear Feds would enforce law) Federal Judiciary Act set up fed court system

4 1st Political Parties What is a political party?
organization seeking to achieve power by electing its member to public office What is the point of a political party? to share political philosophy & gain support/push their objectives Alexander Hamilton Federalist Party powerful gov’t to keep order Educated elite to run Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican Party Small central gov’t & states could decide if Congress was overstepping Ordinary people can make good decisions – power should lie w/ majority of voters

5 1st Political Parties How did President Washington feel about political parties? You will complete the Farewell Address activity in a moment to answer this question

6 Manifest Destiny Formation of the Continental United States
View this video clip that documents U.S. land acquisition, when did we get it and who did we get it from… Lewis & Clark Expedition of 1804 St. Louis to Pacific Coast (West Coast) How did the U.S. acquire this land? Jefferson purchase from France in 1803  $15 million Called?  Louisiana Purchase Florida from France in 1819 Texas from Mexico in 1845 Oregon Country from Great Britain in 1846 Southwest territory from Mexico in 1848 Southern Arizona & New Mexico from Mexico in 1853 1867 – Alaska purchased from Russia ($7.2 million) 1959 – Hawaii officially becomes state after overthrow of Queen

7 Manifest Destiny Why move west?
agriculture mineral wealth adventure escape persecution Mormons in 1840s What does this mean for Native Americans? Indian Removal Act of 1830 Indians east of Mississippi River were to be relocated to Oklahoma Worcester vs. Georgia  court ruled that Georgia needed to live up the a treaty w/ Cherokees, but President Jackson did not recognize the decision Trail of Tears 1838 Cherokees sent to Oklahoma 4,000 or 17,000 died

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