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micro:bit for primary schools –

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1 micro:bit for primary schools –
Session 6 – PXT Editor update Pressing the pins Written by Neil Rickus. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

2 Objectives Complete a circuit using the pins Create random numbers
Use selection (if, then, else)

3 Completing a circuit We can create a circuit by touching 0 (P0 in the PXT Editor) and ground (GND) Try making something happen when pin P0 is pressed You might display some text or random numbers

4 Including random numbers
We can use random numbers to display different messages to the screen by combining them with selection (if, then, else) This program will make a friendship detector Click on the cog icon to get the else if block

5 Challenges Make a message scroll before your friend tester results are displayed Make pin 2 test for something else (e.g. how hungry you are; what video game you should play; where you should go next on holiday)

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