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Histology: The Reproductive System By Andrew W

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Presentation on theme: "Histology: The Reproductive System By Andrew W"— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology: The Reproductive System By Andrew W
Histology: The Reproductive System By Andrew W. Parsons Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved. Material is in logical order: see texts, lab. outline for characteristics To advance to next slide: -click mouse or “page down” To return to the previous slide: - press “page up”

2 The Ovary -Germinal epithelium -Ovarian follicles: -Primary -Secondary
-Mature (Graffian)

3 The ovary: 100X Primary ovarian follicles: - “primordial” -growing
Mature or Graffian ovarian follicle

4 The ovary: 450X Germinal epithelium “Primordial” primary
ovarian follicles:

5 The ovary: 100X Primary ovarian follicles: - “primordial” -growing

6 The ovary: 450X Germinal epithelium “Primordial” primary
ovarian follicles:

7 The ovary: 450X Growing primary ovarian follicle Potential ovum
Follicular cells

8 Growing primary ovarian follicle Potential ovum Follicular cells

9 The ovary: 450X Secondary ovarian follicle Antrum Potential ovum
Follicular cells

10 The ovary: 100X Follicular cells Potential ovum Antrum Secondary
ovarian follicle

11 The ovary: 100X Mature or Graffian ovarian follicle Potential ovum
Antrum Follicular cells

12 The ovary: 100X Mature or Graffian ovarian follicle Potential ovum

13 The Testis -Seminiferous tubules -Interstitial cells (of Leydig)

14 The testis: 100X Seminiferous tubules Interstitial cells (of Leydig)

15 The testis: 450X Spermatozoan Spermatid maturing Spermatids
Primary spermatocytes Spermatogonia Interstitial cells (of Leydig)

16 The End Presentation & Photographs by Andrew W. Parsons
Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved.

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