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Part 1: Molecular Orbitals

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1 Part 1: Molecular Orbitals
Bonding Theories Part 1: Molecular Orbitals

2 Objectives Describe the relationship between atomic and molecular orbitals

3 Important Vocabulary Molecular orbitals Bonding orbital Sigma bond
Pi bond

4 Molecular Orbitals The model for covalent bonding you have been using assumes that the orbitals are those of the individual atoms There is a ____________________of bonding that describes the electrons in molecules using orbitals that exist only for groupings of atoms ______________form when two atoms combine and their atomic orbitals overlap

5 Forming Molecular Orbitals
Just as an atomic orbital belongs to a particular atom, a molecular orbital belongs to a molecule as a whole ____________ are required to fill a molecular orbital just like an atomic orbital A molecular orbital that can be occupied by 2 electrons of a covalent bond is called a bonding orbital

6 Formation of Molecular Orbitals

7 Sigma Bonds When two _____ orbitals combine to form a _______ orbital that is _______around the axis connecting two atomic nuclei, a _________ is formed The symbol for this bond is the Greek letter sigma (σ)

8 Repulsion Forces In general, covalent bonding results from an ________ between the _______ and _________ of the nuclei and electrons involved Because their charges have the same sign, nuclei repel other nuclei and electrons repel other electrons

9 Sigma Bonds with p orbitals
Atomic p orbitals can also overlap to form molecular orbitals They overlap _____________

10 Pi Bonds In some molecules, orbitals can overlap side-by-side.
This side-by-side overlap of atomic p orbitals produces a ______________________ When a pi molecular orbital is filled with 2 electrons, a pi bond results In a pi bond, the bonding electrons are most likely to be found in sausage-shaped regions above and below the bond axis of the bonded atoms It is represented by the ______________ It is _______________ around the bond axis , the pi orbitals bonding overlaps less than sigma bond Thus, pi bonds are ___________ than sigma bonds

11 Pi Bonds

12 Why are pi bonds weaker than sigma bonds?

13 Determining Molecular Shapes
Three-dimensional shape is important in determining the molecule’s physical and chemical properties For example:

14 Lewis Structures & Molecular Shape
A molecule made of only two atoms has a _____ shape only Molecules with more than two molecules are not as easy to determine Chemists must use a model to predict the shape of these molecules This model is based on ______________________________

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