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Ethan Aldrige, Nick DOnato, Dylan Keagy, Jordan Jenkins

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Presentation on theme: "Ethan Aldrige, Nick DOnato, Dylan Keagy, Jordan Jenkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethan Aldrige, Nick DOnato, Dylan Keagy, Jordan Jenkins
Current Outbreaks Ethan Aldrige, Nick DOnato, Dylan Keagy, Jordan Jenkins

2 Overview Dylan Keagy

3 CDC Dylan Keagy

4 Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes.
Majority of infections aren't contagious. Female can spread Virus to Fetus easily. Most mosquitoes aren't found above 6500 ft. Most common in South America, Mexico, and Africa Ethan Aldridge

5 Zika There are 33,000 confirmed cases found in the US. Immune system can get rid of zika virus. Eighty percent of people who become infected never have symptoms. Prevent it by applying mosquito repellent and traveling smart. Ethan Aldridge

6 Polio Polio is a disease caused by a virus that affects the nervous system. To prevent the spread, ask your doctor is your up to date on Polio vaccines. Also vaccinate your children. Practice hygiene and cleanliness around the ill. Ethan Aldridge

7 Polio Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988 Only exists in three countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria). In 1952, during the worst recorded epidemic, 3,145 people died. Global effort to cure the disease, more than 16 million people have been saved from paralysis. Ethan Aldridge

8 Ebola Ebola is a rare and deadly disease
It was first discovered in 1976 The original host of Ebola is still unknown Researchers believe it is animal born Jordan Jenkins 

9 Ebola People get Ebola through direct contact
People can contract Ebola from someone who died with it People can also get it from infected needles The virus made it to the U.S. from a village Meliandou Jordan Jenkins

10 Cholera The largest outbreak this year was in Yemen
Causes watery diarrhea and dehydration Highly contagious and spread rapidly If left untreated can be deadly within hours Jordan Jenkins

11 Cholera Most infected have mild to no symptoms
It takes 12 to 5 hours after infected to show Symptoms The disease is most common in areas with poor sewage  It is mainly caused by food and water Jordan Jenkins

12 Measles Measles is passed through the air by coughing, breathing, and sneezing  Measles is a highly contagious disease In 2016, 89,780 deaths from measles In 2016, 70 cases of measles in the U.S Nick Donato

13 Nick Donato Measles Outbreak in England
Outbreaks occur in the United States and other countries Prevent it by getting the vaccination Isolate yourself from people who have measles Nick Donato

14 Plague Plague is a bacterial infection transmitted through bug bites  Infected fleas carry infection Occurs in people of all ages Antibiotics have decreased death rates 80% of U.S plague cases are bubonic form Nick Donato

15 Nick Donato Plague Outbreak in Madagascar
Use bug spray to avoid bug bites Use gloves if handling dead or infected animals Eliminate rodent habitats near housing Nick Donato

16 What height do most mosquitoes stay away from?
ABCs What height do most mosquitoes stay away from? A.4500 ft. B.5000 ft. C.6000 ft. D.6500 ft. Ethan Aldridge

17 What body system is affected by polio?
ABCs What body system is affected by polio? A. Respiratory system B. Nervous system C. Digestive system D. Cardiovascular system Ethan Aldridge

18 What Ebola virus is not found in humans?
ABCs What Ebola virus is not found in humans? A. Sudan virus B. Bundibugyo virus C. Ebola virus D. Reston virus Jordan Jenkins

19 Where is cholera mainly found?
ABCs Where is cholera mainly found? A. Yemen B. South Arica  C. Asia D. Russia  Jordan Jenkins

20 Measles ABC's How does measles spread?
A. Through eye contact B. Through the air by sneezing, coughing, etc C. Insects D. Animals Nick Donato

21 Plague ABC's What type of plague is common in the United States?
A. Bubonic B.  Septicemic C. Pnueumonic D. All of them Nick Donato


23 Conclusion (Overview)
Dylan Keagy

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