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Presentation on theme: "Bonjour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonjour

2 Index Card Your name Your child’s name
Any information concerning your child you would like me to know.

3 Qui est mon professeur ? Born in France
Been in the US for about 14 years Graduated from Rosemont College Master’s Degree: Technology in the Classroom

4 Curriculum Culture: Paris and Quebec.
Grammar: present tense (regular and irregular verbs), commands, near future, possessive adjectives. Communicative functions: Greetings, expressings likes and dislikes, agreeing and disagreeing, making and responding to suggestions, and describing people.

5 Course Outcomes Speaking – Impromptu, rehearsed authentic situations, podcasting. Writing – pen pal letters, s. Listening – pen pal podcasting, songs, videos, DVDs. Reading – short stories, pen pal letters, magazines. Connecting curriculum to ‘real world’ with video conferences

6 Pen Pal Program French middle school located in South of France
Pen pal letters Pen pal s Podcasts

7 Grading Homework – between 3 and 5 points. Testing Participation
Quizzes points Tests/Projects points Participation 20 point rubric, graded once a marking period. Les risques 20 points at the end of the marking period.

8 Grading – Continued Core Assessments (20 points each) Culture
Listening Writing Reading Speaking (individual, pair, group)

9 Online Workbook

10 Out of Class Help Before & after school During lunch & resource
Phone: (267) Peer Tutoring on Wednesdays Teacher Sites

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