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Sociological Research

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Presentation on theme: "Sociological Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociological Research
Getting Out of the Block

2 Outcomes We Will Address
1.3 analyze a variety of appropriate sociological research methods 1.4 design and conduct a sociological research project, independently or collaboratively, using methods appropriate to sociology 2.4 investigate the process of cultural change 3.4 investigate a social issue that serves as a good example of socialization and related concepts 4.4 investigate a social issue that serves as a good example of social organization and related concepts

3 Time for Some Thinking! Get out your outcomes for this course and circle or highlight each of the outcome numbers we will address in a research project. For each outcome write 1 statement and 2 questions. The statement can be what you may be thinking about the outcome or how you will address it. In your questions try to make sure one of them is of a higher level other than what is it? Be ready to review the answers with everyone in 10 minutes.

4 What is research? What is research? What does it do?
What is the purpose? Why is it important in the social sciences? Why is it important in Sociology?

5 What is research? (The Academic Answer)
Introduction to Research Methods - Dr. A.G. Picciano – YouTube (The Humour Answer) THE OFFICE RESEARCH - YouTube

6 Six Reasons Why Research is Cool

7 The Social Science Answer
YES YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN!!!!!! The systematic observation and analysis of human behaviour based on a hypothesis or best guess. This hypothesis or guess is either supported or refuted.


9 Primary Research Participatory Breaking the Norm, two teens on leashes – YouTube Observational Sociology Commercial - Caffine Drip – YouTube

10 WRITE THIS DOWN TOO! There are 2 kinds of primary research:
Participatory Observational Participatory and observational research can involve numbers, statistics and solid ratios. When it does it is QUANTATIVE. Participatory and observational research can involve observations, comments, thoughts, suggestions, and feelings. When it does it is qualitative.

11 Secondary You don’t need to see a video on this! You’ve already done it! Lots! We’ll do more work with this later!

12 Formative Assessment This is a formative assessment on outcomes:
1.3 analyze a variety of appropriate sociological research methods 1.4 design and conduct a sociological research project, independently or collaboratively, using methods appropriate to sociology

13 Questions to consider/review!
What is research? What are the two kinds of research? What are the two kinds of primary research? What is the difference between the two kinds of research? What do you think you may want to study when it is your turn? What kind of research would you like to do? Are there limits that should be placed on primary research? Explain your answer so that I will be able to totally get it! Why would it be potentially dangerous or even life threatening to plagiarise secondary research?

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