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*Practice words to know daily

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Presentation on theme: "*Practice words to know daily"— Presentation transcript:

1 *Practice words to know daily
Class News Week of April 24th Mrs. Mingledorff Mrs. Mallory Things to Remember Apr. 26 Progress Reports Apr. 28 Jeans Day May 4 Career Day, Spring Chorus Concert at 7:00 May 5 Field Day May 10 Math Challenge Ice cream Thursdays - $1.00 WISH LIST: paper towels, m&m’s, skittles, clorox wipes, hand soap (we are almost out of everything) What we’re Learning! Words with suffixes –ful, -ly, and -y Identifying shapes and their attributes, fractions Shared reading – Hi! Fly Guy Producers and Consumer, Wants and Needs Word Study – Word with suffixes –ful, -ly, and -y like sadly, dusty, helpful. Word assessment on May 12. Words to know: beautiful, caught, friendship, idea, listen, minute, thought, took (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell words with suffixes –ful, -ly, and -y and words to know words: took, thought, beautiful PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Homework *Practice words to know daily Monday – Read, Math sheet Tuesday – Spelling sheet Wednesday – Read Thursday – Read, Math sheet, write took, thought, and beautiful 3 times each. Write a sentence with the one of those words. It’s the 4th 9 weeks! Encourage your child to read and take tests early so they won’t have to play catch up at the end! AR goal is 3 points Points earned: ____ Weekly Schedule Monday – Technology and Library Tuesday – Music Wednesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Thursday – Art Friday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes)

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