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ENERGY 5th Grade.

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1 ENERGY 5th Grade

2 Energy Energy is all around us.

3 You can hear energy as sound when someone talks.
You can see mechanical energy every time you move. You can see energy as light from the sun or a lamp. You can feel it as heat warms things up. Evaluation: Ask students what are some examples of energy in this room. Tell students to look at the clip art in the slide and name an energy that is all around us. Play the video by clicking on the link Energy is all around us! Ask students to give other examples of energy in their lives.

4 Here are forms of energy every 5th grader needs to know:
He Keeps Eating Lightly Salted Potato Chips *Heat *Kinetic *Electrical *Light *Sound *Potential *Chemical

5 ENERGY Potential Energy Chemical Energy Sound Energy Heat Energy
Electrical Energy Kinetic (Motion) Energy Light Energy ENERGY

6 What are the Forms of Energy?
Electrical Light Sound Solar Chemical Heat/Thermal Mechanical kinetic potential Explore: Discovery: Students can find info on forms of energy in the Gr. 5 AIMS Physical Science book: Forms of Energy or in the ScienceSaurus on pp. 285, or . Also you can revisit energy pictures on different slides for more examples - wind Point out to students that two forms of mechanical energy on listed on the table. Have students read the paragraphs at the bottom of p Then ask volunteers to explain each with an example. ****Note: The teacher can facilitate the rest of lesson 1 and lesson 2 or assign pages 448 – 455 to groups of students using the following jigsaw strategy: Table 1 Reads and presents p. 448 paragraphs 1 – 2. Give the group several balls with different masses and some boxes to demonstrate the effects of mass and speed. Table 2 Reads and presents par. 3 on p and p.449 on kinetic energy changing into different forms. Give this group a ramp, marbles, and some different ramp coverings with smooth and rough textures to demonstrate how friction can be changed. Table 3 Reads and presents p Give this group metal balls and marbles of different sizes, pieces of clay, and the slider cup activity. Table 4 Reads and presents p Give this group slinkies, spring toys, and magnets. Table 5 Reads and presents p Chemical Energy and the two tables on p Give students D batteries, wire, and light bulbs. Table 6 Reads and presents Chapter 14, lesson 2 p. 454 – 455 – sound energy. Give students different sizes of rubber bands, plastic cups, and tuning forks. Explain: Reread Grade 5 AIMS Physical Science Forms of Energy booklet. for their demo. ****Or teacher facilitates following SF TE guide.

7 Energy – the ability to cause a change in matter.
What is Energy? Energy – the ability to cause a change in matter. *The race car is moving, so it has energy. Where does it get its energy? *Part of the ice is moving, scientists say it has energy. *The player’s muscle provide the energy for the ball to move. A DE Science video about conservation of energy has been hyperlinked to this slide.

8 What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
Law of Conservation of Energy: energy can never be made or destroyed, but it can change forms *The car can’t just make the energy it needs. *The car’s engine changes the energy stored in gasoline into movement. *The car moves or changes position because one form of energy changes into another.( idea of most of the machines.) A DE Science video about conservation of energy has been hyperlinked to this slide.

9 What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
Law of Conservation of Energy: energy can never be made or destroyed, but it can change forms *Energy can’t simply appear from nothing but, rather, must come from somewhere. The player’s muscles provide the energy for the ball to move, Where does the energy come from?? People use the Energy stored in food for all life processes. A DE Science video about conservation of energy has been hyperlinked to this slide.

10 What is Kinetic Energy? What is Potential Energy?
Energy can exist in many forms. One way to classify Energy is to ÷ all forms into 2 groups: 1) Kinetic energy: is the energy of motion. If something is moving it has kinetic energy. The faster an object is moving, the more kinetic energy it has. A DE science video on potential and kinetic energy is hyperlinked to the airplane photo and a BrainPop video on Kinetic energy is also hyperlinked.

11 The airplane is moving faster & also it has more mass.
What is Kinetic Energy? *Note: The more mass a moving object has, the more kinetic energy it has.) An airplane flying through the air has more kinetic energy than a person riding a bicycle ?? The airplane is moving faster & also it has more mass. A DE science video on potential and kinetic energy is hyperlinked to the airplane photo and a BrainPop video on Kinetic energy is also hyperlinked.

12 2) Potential Energy Potential energy: is the energy an object has because of its condition or position. Possible, underdeveloped or “Stored Energy” . the higher an object is, the more potential energy it has. a ball on the roof of a building has more potential energy than a ball on your desk, because it can fall farther. A YouTube video on potential and kinetic energy is hyperlinked to the roller coaster photo and a Brainpop Video on potential energy is also hyperlinked.

13 2) Potential Energy As this roller coaster car moves to the top of the hill, it gains potential energy. The higher the car rises, the more potential energy it has. When the car moves down, it has kinetic energy. As it falls, its kinetic energy increases and its potential energy decreases. A YouTube video on potential and kinetic energy is hyperlinked to the roller coaster photo and a Brainpop Video on potential energy is also hyperlinked.

14 Potential Energy Stored energy determined by an object’s position.
An apple waiting to fall. A ball at the top of a ramp. A stretched out rubber band.

15 Let’s Review: A car is rolling down a hill. Describe the car’s potential and kinetic energy.

16 Energy Transfer Energy transfer: the movement of energy from one place or object to another. The boy’s kinetic energy is transferred to the spring, where it changes into potential energy. As the spring expands, that potential energy is transferred to the boy as kinetic energy, bouncing him into the air. A song on potential and kinetic energy has been added to this slide (boy on pogo stick – musical notes).

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