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Planning and BMPs for Capital Improvement Projects

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1 Planning and BMPs for Capital Improvement Projects
Christian Braun, CPSWQ, QSD, QISP, Env SP I’m am consultant working for multiple jurisdictions across the County. Provide insight into planning permanent BMPs for Capital Improvement Projects from a consultants perspective

2 Overview CIP Project Planning SWPPP Development SWPPP Implementation
CIP Project Examples Here is a brief overview of my presentation. I will be referring to Best Management Practices throughout my presentation and if not specified, BMP will refer to permanent BMP for water quality treatment.

3 Acronyms CIP – Capital Improvement Projects
BMP – Best Management Practice CGP – California Construction General Permit

4 CIP Project Planning CIP Project Planning SWPPP Development
Long lead time – look at big picture Bringing proper departments into fold SWPPP Development Look at project holistically Maximizing cost effectiveness Develop SWPPP early and refine often Find a good QSD Use BMP recognized BMP specifications Verify that the contractor is aware of SWPPP and CGP requirements SWPPP Implementation What is the hierarchy of BMP assessment and maintenance? Are the BMPs installed correctly? This timeline provides a brief overview of some of the items that need to be addressed during project and SWPPP development and SWPPP implementation

5 CIP Project Planning Understand what is necessary for CGP Compliance
Long lead time Bringing proper departments into fold Build SWPPP development and inspection into contract Understand what is necessary for CGP Compliance Work collaboratively with other jurisdictional departments Know the different permitting requirements

6 Potential Hurdles to Project Planning
Communication Enforcement Solution Set up lines of communication between jurisdiction, QSP, and contractor during contract negotiations Make enforcement a priority through contract penalties

7 Look at project holistically Maximize cost effectiveness
SWPPP Development Look at project holistically Maximize cost effectiveness Develop SWPPP early and refine often Where are BMPs needed What BMPs are most cost effective (hint: planning) Develop construction SWPPP early Make sure contractor understands SWPPP requirements Don’t wait to develop SWPPP until you have a contractor hired Planning up front limits liability later

8 Hold contractor to SWPPP specifications
SWPPP Development Find a good QSD Use BMP recognized BMP specifications Verify that the contractor is aware of SWPPP and CGP requirements Hold contractor to SWPPP specifications Ask for assistance from the QSD Don’t wait to develop SWPPP until you have a contractor hired

9 Potential Hurdles to SWPPP Development
Communication BMP Responsibility Solution Set up lines of communication between jurisdiction, QSP, and contractor during contract negotiations Identify BMP responsibility during contract negotiations

10 Potential Hurdles to SWPPP Development
SMARTS Solution Spend time to get to know SMARTS or contract with someone that has experience Most of us know this but all of the Permit Required Documents are available on SMARTS. As consultants, we have used this to find information out about a particular projects, but as inspectors, it is invaluable to know what you are looking for when you show up to a site. You can have the SWPPP map in hand and be able to ask pertinent questions.

11 What is the hierarchy of BMP assessment and maintenance?
SWPPP Implementation What is the hierarchy of BMP assessment and maintenance? Are the BMPs installed correctly? Provide training and hire experienced contractors Verify that the BMPs are properly installed and maintained Hierarchy – who is QSD/P, contractor, city Use CASQA or Caltrans construction BMP manuals

12 Potential Hurdles to SWPPP Implementation
Ineffective BMPs Improper implementation Solution Request a QSD assessment and update the SWPPP Provide training or require that QSP is present full time

13 Potential Hurdles to SWPPP Implementation
Lack of Maintenance Improper implementation Solution Request a QSD assessment and update the SWPPP Provide training or require that QSP is present full time

14 Construction Entrance

15 Inlet Protection

16 BMP Maintenance

17 Sediment on Impervious Surfaces

18 Sediment on Impervious Surfaces

19 Improper BMP Implementation

20 Questionable Decisions

21 Thank you IECA! Questions?
Christian Braun

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