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Mirror: A surface that reflects light in a regular (clear reflection)

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Presentation on theme: "Mirror: A surface that reflects light in a regular (clear reflection)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mirror: A surface that reflects light in a regular (clear reflection)
Convex lens A clear thing that refracts light. It’s thicker in the center and thinner at the edges Sound & Waves Concave lens A clear thing that refracts light. It’s thinner in the center and thicker at the edges Sound & Waves Refraction: Light bent by a clear lens or substance Sound & Waves air water glass 1a 1b 1c Mirror: A surface that reflects light in a regular (clear reflection) Sound & Waves Focus or focal point: Point where light rays come together. Like from a mirror or lens Sound & Waves Lens: A clear, shaped object that refracts light. Sound & Waves 1c 1e 1f Convex mirror A reflector that either spreads light rays out or shows a large area. It’s bulgy in the middle. Sound & Waves Sound & Waves Concave mirror A reflector that focuses light rays. It goes in towards the middle. Sound & Waves Laser: A focused beam of light. 1g 1h 1i

2 Prism: a triangular lens that splits out colors from white light
Sound & Waves Ray: a beam of light Sound & Waves Image: a copy of an object made by reflected or refracted rays Sound & Waves 2a 2b 2c Transparent: see through Sound & Waves Translucent: lets light through, but not clearly Sound & Waves Opaque: blocks light Sound & Waves 2c 2e 2f Sound & Waves Sound & Waves v Sound & Waves 2g 2h 2i

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