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Consumer Behavior.

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1 Consumer Behavior

2 Syllabus Highlights Course Objective: To develop a deeper understanding of and appreciation for consumers To learn how to better serve your customers and develop strong relationships Class materials: Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 9th edition (Hawkins, Best, and Coney)

3 Keys to Success Come to class prepared Treat others professionally
Keep up on readings Stay on top of deadlines Treat others professionally Show pride in your work Be respectful

4 What is Consumer Behavior?
“The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impact that these processes have on the consumer and society” -- Hawkins, Best, and Coney 2004 “The study of the cognitive, emotional, and physical activities associated with the perception, evaluation, choice, acquisition, use, and disposition of goods and services.”

5 Applications of Consumer Behavior
Marketing Strategy Regulatory Policy Social Marketing Informed Individuals

6 Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior


8 Why Study Consumer Behavior?
The Marketing Concept: Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create more satisfying exchanges than the competition. : Success in the marketplace requires: knowing, then attracting, satisfying, and retaining customers.

9 Why Study Consumer Behavior?
No brand/product can appeal to all people. Firms must segment the market into groups with relatively homogeneous preferences and target one or more groups. Firms must position their offerings in the hearts and minds of these individuals in a favorable way. Firms must examine all of the points that shape how a consumer will respond to their offering.

10 Why Study Consumer Behavior?
Our guesses about people are inaccurate. This is because human nature leads us to believe that other people think like us false consensus People tend to perceive differences even when they don’t exist stereotyping

11 Why Study Consumer Behavior?
Therefore, we must strive to… Identify customer needs and wants Engage in research Understand how customers will respond to different messages and environments Learn about and apply theories Anticipate where preferences are headed Staying informed

12 Consumer Decision Making
Consumer-side Marketer-side Need Recognition Search Alternative Evaluation Choice Post-Purchase Evaluation Awareness Interest Desire Action

13 Essential Tools: Consumer Decision Making Demographics / Trends
Information Processing Social Influence


15 Essential Tools: Consumer Decision Making Demographics / Trends
Information Processing Social Influence

16 Demographic Trends: Aging population
Cultural Diversity & Globalization                                                                   

17 Lifestyle & Segment Trends:
Staying connected Cellular phones Instant messaging Health & Fitness Atkins Water

18 Essential Tools: Consumer Decision Making Demographics / Trends
Information Processing Social Influence

19 Consumer Information Processing
Stimuli Exposure Attention Comprehension Acceptance Retention Purchase

20 Essential Tools: Consumer Decision Making Demographics / Trends
Information Processing Social Influence

21 Social Influence Creating “Buzz” through word of mouth
Cultural and generational influence Family & Group Influence

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