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Knowing When to Seek Help (How to Receive Feedback) Chapter 20 – Bailey & Burch, 2010 Ana Alban Caldwell College.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowing When to Seek Help (How to Receive Feedback) Chapter 20 – Bailey & Burch, 2010 Ana Alban Caldwell College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowing When to Seek Help (How to Receive Feedback) Chapter 20 – Bailey & Burch, 2010 Ana Alban Caldwell College

2 Overview oWhen to seek help oRead the signs oWhat should you do? oReceiving feedback oSteps oSummary oAdditional readings (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

3 Knowing When to Seek Help o Young Behavior Analysts oMiss early signs oDismiss red flags oDont know there is a problem oDont seek help (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

4 Knowing When to Seek Help We might be spending too much time teaching behavioral consultants about autoclitics and intraverbals when we should be focusing more on reading facial cues and body language (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

5 Knowing When to Seek Help o What you might think: oAfraid to show weakness oConfess ignorance o What organizations/agencies want… oSupervisors/managers will provide training oMake organizations/agencies look good oSucceed (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

6 Knowing When to Seek Help READ THE SIGNS In a Meeting: oBrief eye contact oShort conversations oFidgeting with pens oSquirm in chair (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

7 When to Seek Help READ THE SIGNS oPhone calls / emails not returned oMeetings cancelled oPeople dont show up (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

8 What Should You Do? oContact your supervisor oAsk for a meeting oDiscuss the situation oProvide every single detail oBe objective oAsk for FEEDBACK oAdditional training (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

9 Receiving Feedback 1.Request feedback 2.Take notes 3.Listen intently, ask questions, be engaged 4.Make a record of your feedback session 5.Develop a plan of action 6.Report back 7.Ask for a follow-up meeting (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

10 Receiving Feedback 1.Request feedback oLearn from experienced people oGrow as a behavioral consultant 2.Take notes oRemember points covered oImpress supervisor oImportant to you oMakes good impression (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

11 Receiving Feedback 3. Listen intently, ask questions, be engaged oListen closely oDont interrupt oAct professionally oWatch supervisors body language oAsk questions oGo over key points oFollow-up meeting (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

12 Receiving Feedback 4. Make a record of your feedback session oWritten document based on notes oSend it to supervisor 5. Develop a plan of action oFix whatever went wrong oCreate a To-do list oProcess and outcome (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

13 Receiving Feedback 6. Report back oReport progress oShort notes 7. Ask for follow-up meeting oSecond meeting oDescribe steps taken oSituation status oShake hands, big smile, and say Thank you (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

14 Summary oTheoretical + technical knowledge + human relations training = Effective behavioral consultant oLearn from every experience with clients oCant make everyone happy oEarn respect (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

15 Additional Readings (Bailey & Burch, 2010)

16 Reference Bailey, J. S., & Burch, M. R. (2010). Twenty-five essential skills &strategies for the professional behavior analyst. New York: Routledge Publishing

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