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ECE/CS/ME 539 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems

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Presentation on theme: "ECE/CS/ME 539 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE/CS/ME 539 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Development of a program to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Hopfield net December 12, 2001 Karl von Pfeil Basic idea and algorithm Program presentation

2 Basic idea Hopfield net: Fixed weights wij are chosen such that
model can be described by an Lyapunov energy function lowest energy state corresponds to the best path

3 The algorithm Initiate Calculate the fixed weights
Repeat the following steps: a) Randomly choose a neuron which has not yet been updated b) calculate: 4. Convergence criterion

4 Screen shots

5 Screen shot: the output of the neurons

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