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Issue 3 – Should Internationalism Be Pursued

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1 Issue 3 – Should Internationalism Be Pursued
Chapter 9 – Nations, Nation-states and Internationalism (Part 1 of 2)

2 Issue 3 Introduction (Pg 197)
Read the Issue 3 Introduction on page 197 1) What is the main idea regarding issue 3?

3 Chapter 9 Introduction (Pg 201)
Read the chapter 9 introduction on page 201 Why is the photo on page 201 so important?

4 Issue 3 “Should Internationalism Be Pursued?”

5 Chapter 9 Issue (Pg 201) Does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and states?

6 Chapter 9 Terms (Pg 201) Needs Wants Isolationism Unilateralism
Bilateralism Multilateralism Supranationalism

7 What Motivates Nations and Nation States to become Involved in International Affairs (Pg 202)
Some people believe that behavior is motivated by two factors, needs and wants. Needs – Things people must have to survive. Needs include food, water, shelter and health Wants – Things that people desire. Wants are not needed to survive. Someone may, for example, want a cell phone or tattoo, even though they could survive without them

8 What Motivates Nations and Nation States to become Involved in International Affairs (Pg 202)
Look at the pyramid shape on the left side of page 202. This is called Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs People will fulfill the bottom needs first (survival needs) and move up the chain until the are a fulfilled person.

9 Needs and Motives of Successful Nation-States (Pg 203)
People are motivated by wants and needs, this means they are driven by personal interests. A nation is driven by collective wants and needs, and as such, are also driven by the interests of a nation. Democratic government usually look for economic security, Peace and security, self-determination, humanitarianism.

10 Economic Stability (Pg 203)
Read the section on page 203 called “Economic Stability” 1) How do people ensure economic security?” 2) How do nations secure economic security?”

11 Peace and Security (Pg 204)
Read page 204 on Peace and Security 1) How do individuals ensure peace and security? 2) How do nations ensure peace and security? 3) What are two real-wrold examples that show Canada is trying to maintain peace and security?

12 Self-Determination (Pg 205)
Read page 205 on Self-Determination 1) How do individuals achieve personal self- determination 2) How do nations pursue self-determination? 3) What are some examples of nations achieving self-determination.

13 Humanitarianism (Pg 206) Read page 206 on Humanitarianism
1) How do individuals show humanitarianism 2) How do nations and nation states show humanitarianism?

14 Georeality (Pg 209) Read about Botswana and Zimbabwe on page 208 and 209. Answer the three questions on the bottom of page 209.

15 How Do the Motives of Nations and Nation-states shape their responses to the rest of the world (Pg 210) Serving the nations interest is a powerful motive for successful nations. This is the basis of domestic policy in a country How do countries respond to the rest of the world? The response can be influenced by many factors related to needs of the people. Responses may include, isolationism, unilateralism, bilateralism, multilateralism, or supranatioanlaism

16 Isolationism (Pg 210) Isolationism True isolationism is rare
No Contact To cut off all contact A belief system (one of the ism’s) True isolationism is rare Japan did it for more than 200 years Switzerland does it for military purposes However, today it is a policy to stay out of one area or dispute but being involved in others

17 Unilateralism (Pg 211) Unilateralism
Acting by yourself Uni =One Lateral = side or part -ism = a belief system When a country is motivated to respond to world events on their own. Austria choosing not to use nuclear power

18 Taking Turns (Pg 211) Is isolationism a valid response to the world?
Read the three points of view on page 211 (taking turns) then decide for yourself.

19 Bilateralism (Pg 212) Bilateralism – Taking action together
Bi= two, lateral=side or part, -ism = belief system Bilateral agreements are between two countries Example: American and Canadian agreement to reduce acid rain These two countries work together to reduce sulfur dioxide, and thus reduce acid rain.

20 Multilateralism (Pg 212) Multilateralism – many acting together
Multi=many, lateral = side or part, -ism= a belief system This is a situation where many countries will come together to solve a problem that affects them all. This is a common practice among middle power, not the most powerful countries in the world and not the bottom. Canada is in the middle powers. Eg. Kyoto Protocol

21 Supranationalism (Pg 213)
Supranationalism – many acting as one Supra = above, -ism= a belief system Supranationalism involves nations agreeing to go along with the decisions of an international organization. An example of this is the European Union (EU). Countries give up some of the rights to make choices within their country in exchange for economic security and prosperity.

22 What are Some Understandings of Internationalism? (Pg 214)
Some people believe that partaking in internationalism is not only good for the world but is also good for their own national interests. Create fair trade relations to have both countries benefit. Competing in the Olympics to improve relations Peacekeepers going to other countries to keep the peace.

23 The World Health Organization (Pg 215)
The World Health Organization was formed by the UN in 1948 to handle health issues of the world. The World Health Organization develops and transmits information about serious and contagious diseases. The World Health Organization is credited with eliminating small pox and helping to contain the SARS virus in 2002

24 Right to Play (Pg 216) Ready this section on page 216
1) What is Right to Play 2) Why would people donate time and money to this?

25 The Arctic Council (Pg 216)
The Arctic Council is a group of countries that own territory in the Arctic who get together periodically. The get together to solve arctic problems such as Border disputes Resources Environmental issues

26 How Does Internationalism Benefit Nations and Nation-States (Pg 218)
The two world war was the main reason countries started to pursue internationalism Many believed if they worked out problems in the open it could stop war from happening on that scale again.

27 Internationalism and Economic Stability (Pg 218)
One of the main contributors to WWII was the Great Depression. Countries thought if we could avoid a depression, or help people through one they would not turn to ultranationalism. The World Bank and The IMF were set up to help European and Asia countries recover from WWII. They provide funds and technical help.

28 Internationalism and Economic Stability (Pg 218)
The World Trade Organization The GATT was created by the UN in 1947 In 1995, The GATT was changed into the World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization tries to promote freer trade between countries and will resolve trade disputes between member countries.

29 Internationalism and Self Determination (Pg 219)
Many countries were at one time a British colony. Eventually these colonies gained independence, however, the Aboriginal People were often ignore when Independence was taking place. This led to hard feelings between groups and sometimes civil war. IWGIA – is a lobby group for Indigenous People and is world wide. The help Aboriginal people achieve their goals

30 Internationalism and Humanitarianism (Pg 219)
International organizations have helped nations respond to disasters much more quickly than before. The 2004 Tsunami is a great example where international organizations such as The Red Cross could quickly get donations and ensure transfer of these good to those in need.

31 Chapter 9 Issue Does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and nation-states?

32 Unit Issue Should internationalism be pursued?

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