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1 Viruses

2 3D Model of a Virus With your group assemble a 3D model of a virus:
Choose one type of virus and create a 3D model Non-enveloped virus Phage virus Membranous Virus You may need to include: Genetic Material Capsid Membrane Envelope Tail fibers Tail sheaths Glycoproteins You have 30 minutes! The Best virus wins a Prize!!

3 Questions What is the function of the following structures of viruses:
Capsid Membranous envelope Glycoproteins Tail sheath Tail fibers What are the two variables that classify animal viruses? What is a retrovirus and how are the different than other types of viruses? What is a provirus? Compare and Contrast the following: Lytic cycle and Lysogenic cycle Temperate phages and Lysogenic phages

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