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Published byMarie-Hélène Bonin Modified over 6 years ago
MID DAY MEAL SCHEME Welcome to the presentation on
Annual Work Plan & Budget Annual Work Plan & Budget KARNATAKA
Objectives : To improve enrollment and attendance in schools.
To improve retention rate in classes. To Reduce the drop out rates To improve health and hygiene of the child by increasing nutrition level. To improve learning ability levels of children. To develop social and national integration among the children.
Management & Monitoring System:
Education Minister. Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education. Commissioner for Public Instruction. Joint Director of Public Instruction (MDM) Officer. Chief Executive Officer of ZP of Districts Education Officer (MDM) of Education Department Deputy Director of Public Instructions Executive Officer of TP of Taluks Assistant Director (MDM) of Education Department Block Education Officer of Education Department School Head Master and SDMC President Sate Level District Level Taluk Level Village Level
Schools : Approval v/s Coverage (2012 - 2013)
Approved Covered Difference Primary Schools (1 to 5) 22831 21674 -1157 Upper Primary Schools with Primary Schools (1 to 8) 24631 25115 484 Upper Primary schools (6 to 8) 8146 8015 -131 AIE 253 67 -186 Madarasa 111 127 16 NCLP 115 4 Total 56083 55113 -970 656 Primary Schools Zero Enrollment 484 Primary Schools are Upgraded to Upper Primary 17 Primary Schools are merged to near by school 131 Upper Primary schools are Closed 186 AIE centers are running in schools itself
School Approval v/s Coverage Primary
School Approval v/s Coverage Upper Primary
54.00 54.98 50.55 Beneficiaries during 2012-13 34.00 34.12 31.86 20.00
(Children In Lakhs) Class Approval Enrolment Avg. Beneficiaries % Enr’l vs Benif. 1-5 34.00 34.12 31.86 93.5% 6-8 20.00 20.86 18.69 92.5% Total 54.00 54.98 50.55 92.07% In 115 NCLP Schools 4844 Children are opted
Children Approval V/S Coverage (Primary)
(In lakhs)
Children Approval V/S Coverage (Upper Primary)
20.00 19.61 20.00 18.69 (In lakhs)
Utilization of Food grains
Coverage and Utilisation During Summer Vacation in Drought Area Class Approved Covered % of Coverage Children (In Lakhs) Days Meals (In Corers) Served Meals% Primary 15.00 45 6.75 9.08 35 4.08 60.58% 77.78 60.55% Upper Primary 10.00 4.50 2.99 1.32 29.94% 29.40% Total 25.00 11.25 12.07 5.40 48.32% 48.09% Class Utilization of Food grains (In MTs) Cooking Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) Honorarium to CCH Total Funds Utilized 1 2 3 4 5=3+4 Primary 3100 800.36 551.59 Upper Primary 1784 Total 4884
Unutilized Budget (Col3-Col6) Non-Recurring Assistance
Details of Budget Provision and Releases Rs in lakhs (Rs in lakhs) Sl. No. Component Budget Provision Budget Released till Unutilized Budget (Col3-Col6) Central Share State Share Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Recurring Assistance Cost of food grains 0.00 846.28 Cooking Cost Transportation Assistance MME 940.42 88.46 Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper 142.41 Sub Total Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen-cum-store Kitchen Devices Grand Total
Average children (In lakhs) Meals served (In Crores)
Plan v/s Performance Primary (1-5) and Upper Primary (6- 8) Classes MDM-PAB Approval for Performance (Upto ) Institutions children (In lakhs) working days Meals to be served (In Crores) Average children (In lakhs) Working days Meals served (In Crores) Primary 23306 34.06 234 79.72 21983 31.86 160 50.98 Upper Primary 32777 20.00 46.8 33130 18.69 29.91 Total 56083 54.06 126.52 55113 50.55 80.9
Utilisation of Food Grains in 2012-13 (Till Dec 2012)
(In MTs) Classes Annual Allocation for the year Opening Balance as Lifted Till Utilization Till Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6=3+4-5 Primary 1482.5 9132.0 Upper Primary 1884.4 8738.4 Total 3366.9
Food grains Utilisation (Primary)
(Units in MTs)
Food grains Utilisation (Upper Primary)
(Units in MTs)
Month and No. of Days for which Ragi is Required (In MTs)
Pilot Project of Millet (Ragi) in Kolar Class Beneficiaries Month and No. of Days for which Ragi is Required (In MTs) Cost of Ragi (In Lakhs) January February March Total 1 Day 4 Days (In MTs) Primary 76162 7.62 30.46 68.55 10.28 Upper Primary 49915 7.49 29.95 67.39 10.11 126077 15.10 60.41 135.93 20.39
Utilization of Funds 2012-13 Upto Dec -2012 Primary and Upper Primary
AT-6B,7,7A,8,8A,9 & 10 (Rs in lakhs) Head of Account Budget Provision Opening Balance Release Expenditure Balance Central State Total Recurring Assistance Cost of Food grains 495.23 0.00 Cooking Cost Honorarium to CCH 100.13 Transport Assist 154.46 756.05 625.28 MME 257.45 940.42 789.67 408.20 Sub Total Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen Sheds Kitchen Devices
Utilisation against Allocation upto Dec-2012
Utisation of Payment of cost for food grains Primary and Upper Primary
AT-7 (Rs in lakhs)
Payment to FCI (Rs in lakhs) % Utilisation
Cooking cost Utilisation (Primary)
(Rs in lakhs) % Utilisation 21
Cooking Cost Utilisation (Upper Primary)
(Rs in lakhs) % Utilisation 22
No. of Cooks working under MDM 2012-13
Total No of CCH Engaged Category of cooks SC ST OBC Minority Others Total 25036 12898 45649 8456 11834 103873 No. of CCH approved: No. of CCH working: 10780 No. of CCH to be engaged for the purpose of helpers to 5790 schools where NGOs are supplying MDM Note:- Circular issued to engage helpers in schools where NGOs are supplying MDM 23 23
CCH Engaged In Number % Utilisation 1,14,653 1,03,873 10,780
Honorarium to CCH Utilisation (Primary)
(Rs in Lakhs) % Utilisation 25
Honorarium to CCH Utilisation Upper Primary
(Rs in Lakhs) % Utilisation 26
Transportation Assistance Utilisation
935.61 % Utilisation 756.05 Rs in lakhs 27
MME Utilisation % Utilisation 899.88 1028.88 789.67 671.80 Rs in lakhs
Progress on Construction of Kitchen Sheds
Components Physically Allocation since as on 31st December 2012 Physically Progress since as on 31st December 2012 Allocation Constructed In Progress Not Started Kitchen Sheds ( and ) 27847 25147 803 1897 ( ) 8724 Total 36571 10621
Kitchen Sheds Construction Status Upto Dec-12
36571 Progress (in %) 10621 803 Units in number 30
Progress on procurement of Kitchen Devices
Components Physically Allocation since as on 31st December 2012 Physically Progress since as on 31st December 2012 Total allocation Purchased In Progress Kitchen Devices ( and ) 45339 ( ) 42717 (New Replacement 30691) Total 88056
No of Schools Completed
Feeding of Data in to MDM MIS Portal 100% of Annual Data Entries(ADE) of Schools are completed. Annual and Monthly Data Entries (MDE) of Schools are done at Taluk/Block levels. Data entry operator, Assistant staff and a Nodal officer (ADPI) are feeding information to MIS Portal. Total No. of Schools Progress Monthly Data progress Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 52873 No of Schools Completed 52515 52499 52482 52477 52466 52461 52431 52331 52149 % of Completion 99.32 99.29 99.26 99.25 99.23 99.22 99.16 98.97 98.63 2240 Schools are tagged schools, 67 AIE centers, 127 Madarasas and 115 NCLP Schools are not entered in MIS portal. 32 32
MIS Annual and Monthly Data Entry Status
School Health Program 46.98 100.61 91.32 91.51 Component Annual Target
In the year Medical Check-up for Govt, Aided and Unaided school children from 1 to 10th Std was organized in collaboration with the health Department . As per the information from the health department till the month of December % progress has been achieved and the rest will be covered by the end of Feb Tertiary care surgeries done to 1219 children and an amount of Rs Lakhs have been spent under NRHM funds. And spectacles are issued. Component Annual Target Achieved % Medical Examination for children (1 to 10 all schools) 100.61 91.32 91.51 Nutrient Tablets Albendozol Vitamin A Folic Acid Number of children Served (1 to 7 classes Govt and Aided Schools only) 46.98 34 34
Activities Proposed for the Year 2013-14
Proposed Schools, for the year 2013-14 Pry, Upr Pry and NCLP
Class Schools Primary Schools (1 to 5) 21674 Upper Primary Schools with Primary Schools (1 to 8) 25115 Upper Primary schools (6 to 8) 8015 AIE 67 Madarasa 127 NCLP 115 Total 55113
Proposed Children and working days
for the year Pry, Upr Pry and NCLP Classes (Govt+LB) Schools Aided EGS / AIE Madarasa/ Maqtab Total Working Days Primary 27,43,600 4,23,013 9,072 4,124 31,79,809 234 Upper Primary 14,40,486 4,29,015 18,69,501 41,84,086 8,520,28 50,49,310 NCLP Schools No. of Districts NCLP schools Children Working Days 14 115 4844 313
Requirement of Food Grains: 2013-14
(In MTs) Requirement of Food grains Class Rice Wheat Millet (Ragi) Total Primary 8244.0 2444.9 Upper Primary 6835.5 2412.1 NCLP 192.6 30.9 4.0 227.5 4861.0 Requirement of Food grains for Drought Area 1248.6 363.6 Upper Primaru 960.9 1118.5 2209.5 1482.1 Total Requirement of Food grains 9492.6 2808.5 7796.4 3530.6 227.4 6343.1
Additional Cost to Rice
Requirement millets (Ragi) and Additional Cost to procure the Ragi in 8 districts of Karnataka for the year Sl no District Requirement of Ragi (In MTs) Total Cost of Ragi (In Lakhs) Additional Cost to Rice 1-5 6-8 1 Chitradurga 415.14 256.06 671.20 62.27 38.41 100.68 38.82 23.94 62.76 2 Shivamoga 316.66 202.10 518.76 47.50 30.32 77.81 29.61 18.90 48.50 3 Kolar 284.97 183.26 468.23 42.74 27.49 70.23 26.64 17.14 43.78 4 Chikkaballapura 248.97 156.60 405.57 37.35 23.49 60.84 23.28 14.64 37.92 5 Tumkur 525.15 359.69 884.85 78.77 53.95 132.73 49.10 33.63 82.73 6 Mysore 499.08 351.76 850.84 74.86 52.76 127.63 46.66 32.89 79.55 7 Mandya 306.54 210.50 517.04 45.98 31.57 77.56 28.66 19.68 48.34 8 Chamarajanagara 212.03 77.91 289.94 31.80 11.69 43.49 19.82 7.28 27.11 421.28 269.68 690.97 262.60 168.10 430.70 Note:- Cost of Rice Rs. 5650/MT Cost of Ragi Rs /MT (subsidised rate as per KFCSC)
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen Sheds: 2013-14
Schools Kitchen Sheds sanctioned by GOI Through convergence New Kitchen Sheds Proposed for Govt. + Local body Govt. aided+ Madarsas+AIE +NCLP Total Govt. aided Govt. + Local body 48464 6649 55113 31991 4568 36559 11200 3069 837 3906 Proposal for Replacement of Kitchen Devices: No of Schools Kitchen devices sanctioned by GOI Balance requirement Replacement Govt. + Local body Govt. aided NCLP AIE MADRASA Total Govt aided Govt. 48464 6340 115 67 127 55113 52449 4916 57365 499 900
Budget Proposal: 2013-14 (Rs. In Lakhs) 5108.64 0.00 5404.21 10512.85
Sl. No Component Primary Upper Primary Grand Total Central Share State Share Sub Total 1 Cost of Foodgrain 0.00 2 Cooking cost 3 Honorarium to CCH 4 Transportation Assistance 594.93 578.95 5 MME 554.70 564.38 6 Kitchen sheds 7 Kitchen devices 69.95
Best Practices Only Women CCHs are engaged in all schools.
Preference will be given to widows, Destitute women. All schools are using LPG for cooking. Kitchen Gardens maintained in 16,191 schools. Millets like Ragi is used in Kolar district as pilot project during , this year other 7 districts will be implemented, (Chitradurga, Mysore, Chikkabalapura, Shimoga, Mandya,Tumkur and Chamarajanagar,) Teachers taste the meal before serving to children and enter their opinion in the register daily. Fire Extinguishers provided to all schools.
Best Practices All CCHs are Trained to maintain Hygiene, Cleanliness, prepare nutritious food and to operate fire Extinguishers. Apron provided in 7 districts to maintain cleanliness to CCH. Akshaya Tarakari Butti (Vegetable box) in some districts. Akshaya Majjige Patre (Butter milk vessel) in some districts. CCH are paid compensation in the event of untoward things happening while cooking. The details are as follows. Sl. Particulars Amount in Rs 01 In case of death of cook. Rs 1,00,000 02 In case of burn leading to Permanente disability. Rs 75,000 03 In case of burn injuries. Rs 30,000
Issues Enhance the MME Fund.
Enhance the CCH Honorarium as per ICDS workers. Dining hall construction under MDM schools. District Level MDM Training centre for CCHs. Minimum Two CCHs are required (up to 100 children) in a kitchen center. Enhance the transportation cost. Enhance the Cooking Cost where below 50 children.
Thank You all MDM Karnataka
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