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COEN 252 Computer Forensics

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Presentation on theme: "COEN 252 Computer Forensics"— Presentation transcript:

1 COEN 252 Computer Forensics
Investigating Hacker Tools

2 Program Analysis Given an executable, how do we find out what it does?
Try to find the program online. Perform source code review. Execute the program in a sandbox.

3 Program Compilation Compiler Assembler Linker
Translates HLL code to Assembly / ILL Assembler Translates Assembly code to machine language Linker Creates object code out of several modules. A program usually makes library calls (stdio)

4 Program Compilation Statically Linked: All library code is part of the object code Dynamically Linked: Program calls library functions. (DLL) Stripping: Removes all symbols from object code. Packing with UPX.

5 Program Compilation Static compilation needs more memory

6 Program Analysis Static Analysis: Determine the type of executable.
file in Unix exetype in Windows Symbol Extraction: Use a program like strings to find symbols left in object code. Names give hints on program. Will not work for stripped files.

7 Program Analysis Find the program online:
Use the name of the file to find online versions. Use strings to check whether this is a similar file. Use same compiler to compile the online version and check for similarity.

8 Program Analysis Investigate source code

9 Program Analysis Dynamic Analysis of a Hacker Tool Create a sandbox.
VMWare Do not connect to the internet. Sniff on a closed network. On Unix, use strace. Monitors OS calls. On Windows, use Filemon, Regmon, ListDLLs, PsList, Fport

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